
Summary: God fits our lives into His plans to glorify His son, Jesus Christ. Our future is part of His eternal purpose of glorifying and magnifying His son, Jesus Christ.

Eternal hands of God weave the fabric of time, preparing and unveiling the grand tapestry of revelation and glory of his son Jesus Christ. This tapestry develops and unfolds as time passes by revealing the beauty, grandeur, riches and wonder of Jesus Christ. This tapestry has a variety of many colours and designs interwoven with threads from different fabrics. We find a place in this tapestry. Sinners like you and me are present in this tapestry. God's eternal hands weave our lives as threads on this grand tapestry. We may be a thread of silk or gold or cotton fabric, but he will use it according to his need for glorying his son Jesus Christ. He is the eternal craftsman, and we are the thread he uses to weave the tapestry about the Glory of his son Jesus. All threads in this tapestry are made from Christ's blood-washed fabric.

God fits our lives into His plans to glorify His son, Jesus Christ. Our future is part of His eternal purpose of glorifying and magnifying His son, Jesus Christ. Sometimes we expect God to fit into our future plans, but this is incorrect. We have a future when we fit into His plans. For God’s plan of glorifying his son Jesus Christ, we become doctors, teachers and evangelists and so on. We are part of His plans, and the more we align to His plans, the more secure our future becomes.

He is the potter; we are the clay. The potter here is not an earthly being, but rather an eternal, everlasting and divine being with over 10,000 years of experience. With so extensive experience, He makes vessels. If such an experienced God prepares vessels, imagine how magnificent and elegant they will be. You and I are the clay from which He makes the vessels. God's eternal hands are making earthly vessels for eternal use, both in heaven and on earth.

Eternal hands are working with clay to create earthly vessels suitable or fit for his eternal plans. Eternal hands are creating eternal vessels that will last until eternity, or the next 10,000 years. Eternal hands are moulding, shaping, and pressing the clay while depositing heavenly (divine) nature and character on them. Eternal hands are rubbing divine impressions onto the earthly vessels.

The vessels that have no future (by themselves) are fit into God's eternal plans. God's eternal hands will establish an eternal future and purpose for his vessels. When we fit into God's eternal purposes, our life is safe and secure in the hands of the eternal God. The eternal hands of God are making vessels in the image and likeness of his son Jesus Christ. Everything associated with Jesus lasts for eternity. Today, do you want to fit into God's eternal plans, or do you want God to fit into yours? Surrender your plans to God and ask Him to include you in His eternal plans. Ask God to make you according to His will, and also surrender your will.

Out future planned for the next 10000 years ( earthly journey + heavenly journey) by the eternal Father along with his counsel of Hosts is God’s will. God's will comprises plans and steps designed by an Eternal Father with at least 10,000 years of expertise. These plans are not only useful for earthly journey, but also for heaven’s journey till eternity. A God with at least 10,000 years of experience creates vessels that last at least 10,000 years. Submitting and aligning with God's will make you enter into God's eternal plans.

Eternal hands of God work on earthly vessels to make them eternal and fit for his eternal purposes. God's eternal hands interwove our lives like threads into the Grand tapestry of God, displaying the riches of his son Jesus Christ.

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