
Summary: A look at Enoch's only message, the resurrection.

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JUDE 14,15


A. The demands upon a pastor today are very unique.

1. In interviews with speechwriters today, most say they can be counted on to write 12-15 really good speeches every year.

a. These are professional writers.

b. Some of the best in their craft.

c. 15-20 is really pushing it.

2. Contrast that to the preacher today.

a. Most preachers are not professional writers.

b. On would merely have to watch me type for three minutes to see that.

c. On top of their other duties…visiting the sick, holding committee meetings, moderating business meetings, and a myriad of other tasks…

d. Including trying to be husband and SuperDAD…

e. Preachers are tasked with preaching approximately 150 sermons a year!

f. 10 times what the average professional speech writer is able to produce.

g. It must be relevant, interesting, biblically sound, and delivered in a dynamic and powerful way.

h. It is a challenge.

3. That’s why so many preachers long to become an evangelist…

a. All you need are five or six really good sermons and a fast car!

b. Thankfully all our messages have only one really main topic…Jesus.

c. Story of the great Orator preaching the same message 3 weeks in a row!

d. Some sermons are timeless.

e. i.e. Billy Sunday’s “Payday Someday”…Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God” and Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount”.

f. Today we look at another timeless sermon by a preacher we do not know near enough about.

g. The preacher is Enoch, and He only had One Message!

4. We do know from the study of God’s Word some interesting things about this preacher Enoch.

a. He walked with God…Gen 5:24…prerequisite for a successful preacher!!!

b. He didn’t die…Gen 5:24, Heb 11:5

c. He was a prophet and a preacher…Jude 14-15

d. He will be martyred during the tribulation…Rev 11..when He and Elijah return to preach the Gospel.

5. What was his message?

(Jude 1:14-15 KJV) And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, {15} To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

a. Enoch’s message was a message about the Second coming of Jesus Christ… a subject that barely gets mentioned today.

b. It was a message about the seriousness of sin…sin that we have de-classified today!!! God still calls it sin!

c. It was a message about God judging those who spoke wrongfully about Him…we need to be reminded today that every word we speak will be held accountable for!

d. It was a message by a man of God who practiced what he preached…we need to see more of that today…today’s preachers are more known for their scandals than their messages.

e. How we need more preaching like this today!

6. There are three things I want us to see about this message that Enoch preached.


A. It Was A Good Message For Enoch’s Time.

1. Enoch lived in an ungodly time.

(Gen 6:5 KJV) And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

a. The longer men lived, the more the violence increased…its why God cut man’s live short after the flood…

b. The more the violence increased, the closer judgment came.

c. Ungodliness was not the exception…but the rule.

d. Yet in the midst of the ungodliness…

e. In the dark storm of approaching judgment…

f. God sends a ray of light

g. His man…preaching His word…crying our to a lost and dying world…repent!

2. Even in the midst of wickedness, Enoch lived a Godly Life.

a. Because of His devotion to the Lord, Enoch was blessed.

b. His son, Methuselah, lived 969 years.

c. His grandson, Noah was a righteous man who loved the Lord, and saved the earth when God sent the flood.

d. For you daddies and grandpas, if their were no other reason than this…

e. It ought to inspire us to live godly lives before our children and grandchildren.

(Prov 22:6 KJV) Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

f. If we would just live godly lives before our children, it would be amazing what would happen in our country today.

3. Enoch preached a message that was not popular among his contemporaries.

a. Enoch’s message pointed out that there was a wrong and a right.

b. People today will argue that there is no wrong or right…YES there IS!!!

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