
Summary: We enjoy the Lord's favor when the Good News is proclaimed. God's Good News is our comfort.

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January 17, 2021 - Epiphany 2 - ISAIAH 61:1-3

INTRO.: The favor of the Lord God of Armies shines on his people. Every day the love of our heavenly Father sustains us. As God’s children we enjoy these divine gifts. God’s gifts to us and for us are physical. Spiritual. “Likewise, for everyone to whom God has given wealth and riches, if God has also given him ability to eat from it, to accept his lot, and to rejoice in the results of his hard work—this is a gift of God,…” (ECCLESIASTES 5:19). To enjoy life is a gift from God. We are reminded to EN-JOY THE LORD’S FAVOR. I. God’s Good News is proclaimed. II. God’s Good News is our comfort.


A. Verse 1a. The Lord God appointed Isaiah as his prophet. Prophet proclaimed God’s Word.

1. The Holy Spirit was poured out on Isaiah. The Lord anointed Isaiah to serve him.

2. Isaiah’s divine purpose: “to preach good news to the afflicted.” Troubled by sin and guilt.

B. Verse 1b. Good news defined: “bind up the brokenhearted….” Isaiah had preached judgment.

1. Israel recognized their sins: idolatry, false gods, rejecting God’s word. “Brokenhearted.”

2. Gospel: “proclaim freedom for the captives…release for those who are bound.” Spiritual free-dom.

3. The love and mercy of God set his people free from Satan, sin, and death. Lord’ favor.

C. Verse 2a. Good news: “proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Old Testament had Jubilee year.

1. Every 50 years Israel celebrated Jubilee. Slaves were set free. Debts were forgiven.

2. Land was returned to original owners. Jubilee was physical example of the Lord’s favor.

3. There would also be a “day of vengeance”. Judgment would come upon all unbelievers.

D. We live in New Testament times. We do not wait every fifty years to celebrate the Lord’s favor. Every year is the year of the Lord’s favor upon us. When we pay attention we can see the hand of the Lord in our daily lives. Upon our every step. It is the Lord God of Armies who proves his love for us day after day. Year after year. Generation upon generation. This the Gospel. This is God’s Good News that we desperately need to hear year after year. The message of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection must never ever grow old or cold in our hearts. We are God’s children. Heirs of eternal life. "So then, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death” (ROMANS 8:1, 2). Only Jesus, our King, can and does set us free from our spiritual enemies. God’s Good News is proclaimed.

E. The Gospel of God is meant for all people. All nations. The Word of God is not limited by any boundaries. In fact, the Good News is meant to go to the ends of the earth. What a joy to gather our mission offerings and combine them with other believers in our church body (synod). These gathered offerings send out missionaries to the ends of the earth. Sometimes dangerous situations arise. Missionaries return. The ends of the earth are also coming to our country. “This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (MATTHEW 24:14). Closer and closer comes the fulfillment of the Good News coverage.

F. The Lord God of Armies wants all men to come to a knowledge of the Truth. Wants all men to be saved. There still are those who reject Jesus. Too many in every generation deny the Truth. Many go their own way. The wide, broad path of destruction. We still proclaim the Gospel. The Good News of God. “The one who believes in the Son has eternal life, but the one who rejects the Son will not see life; instead, God’s wrath remains on him" (JOHN 3:36). Any who reject God will be rejected by God. They do not walk in the light of the Lord. They will not enjoy the eternal favor of the Lord.

ENJOY THE LORD’S FAVOR. God’s Good News is proclaimed to the ends of the earth.


A. Verse 2. The year of the Lord’s favor intended for all people. Vengeance day for unbelievers.

1. God’s word through Isaiah was the law and the gospel. Law for sins. Gospel = salvation.

2. Both law and gospel were needed. People saw sins. People saw need of Savior.

B. Verses 2b, 3a. Gospel comforted those who mourned over their sins. Divine purpose.

1. “Crown of beauty” – glory. Not “ashes’ – symbol of mourning, sadness.

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