
Summary: An short exhortation to seek to be endued with power for effective Christian race.

This year 2011 is the commencement of a new decade. No where else in the historic past has it become more pertinent and requisite that the redeemed sons of God become more endued with power than as it is now.

That the earth is inhabited with wickedness ,is no news to the discerning minds, but that the spate of gross wickedness targeted at the believer in order to decimate their faith and render their belief unfruitful, is at an all time high, is what calls for concern.

It is true military stratagem to engage power with greater power. For the sons of God to really live out their redemptive status as kings and princes in the earth, it is unarguably necessary to be endued with power from on high. Power in such measure that our domains and territory will be a no consideration for the agents of darkness. Power in such measure that signs and wonders will trail our goings in and out like as the day of the prophets. Power which openly testifies to the lordship of the risen and enthroned Jesus rather than in pulpit oratory.

Is it not said that were the wood is finished the fire quenches? Conversely, where the wood avails, the fire blazes. If we agree that fire burns and produces heats in levels, then it is easy to see that the greater the agents of the blaze (wood, coal, sulphur) applied to the fire the more damaging the effect of the heat. Great heat wards off the scavenger.

The wood here represents the word of God. While the fire represents the effective potency of the presence of the Spirit of God. The more fortified we are with the right understanding of the living word of God, and live out this rhema , the greater our impacts in all ramifications.

Redemption after all is for a life of glorious impact. As ambassadors of the kingdom of heaven here on earth, to rightly represent, we must exert power backed by divine authority for undeniable proofs.

It is with this understanding that I excitedly embark on a quest for deeper understanding of the mystery of the power of God for redemptive impact. I am sure that certain discoveries will pleasantly humble my heart; I also know that the journey into power is a journey into perpetuity. Nonetheless am willing to pay the price for this” high calling”.

From Scriptures we understand that, no man knows the things of God, like the Spirit of God. Hence this year we should resolve to engage the Holy Spirit humbly but surely in this quest for the Zoe of God. I am some how rejoicing already at the prospect of the treasures which you will locate and how it will testify to the truth that as a son of the all powerful God, you are am also a God.

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