Contributed by Ken Gilmore on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We need more encouragers in our churches. What are the characteristics of an encourager and a discourager. And some Bible examples of encouragers.
Hebrews 10:19-25
What is encouragement?
- The Greek word for "encourage" may be translated as comfort, console, inquire, beg, plead, counsel, urge, challenge. We see from this that encouragement has a two-fold emphasis: to comfort or reassure, to challenge or caution.
- To encourage someone is to comfort or challenge them with the Word of God in such a way that the person is motivated to lead the Christian life and continue in the Lord’s service.
- To encourage is to be an instrument of grace. It works out of compassion and love and care for the
other person, not judgment and condemnation and accusation.
Who has been an encouragement in your life?
1.This person really listened and didn’t immediately tell me I was wrong.
2.This person understood how I felt.
3.In this relationship I felt like a winner. I think this person felt that I was special.
4.I could be honest with this person and wouldn’t have to be phony and didn’t fear the results. I was even willing to be responsible for what I did if it were wrong.
5.I could disagree with this person and wasn’t afraid of getting him or her angry.
6.This person always had time for me.
7.I felt safe with this person.
8.This person always saw hope for me no matter how bad things seemed to be.
9.This person respected me for myself. The respect didn’t come just because I got an A in school or did well, but just because I was me.
It is not always just saying the right things – although….
Who has been a discouragement in your life?
1.This person never listened to me when I talked and was always to busy.
2.Nothing I could do was right, not matter how hard I tried. This person always expected perfection from me.
3.This person would embarrass me. I felt constantly put down.
4.This person only noticed my bad points.
5.I was scared around this person. The person was unpredictable.
Bible encouragers:
1.Joses = Barnabus : “Son of Encouragement” Acts 11:19-26
-What do we know about him?
a.A person sensitive to needs
b.Generous Acts 4:36-37
c.Willing to stand beside others
(1)Paul – joined Paul to disciples (Acts 9:26-27)
(2)John Mark (acts 13)
(3)Local Church
(a)He was not envious at the success of others
(b)He encouraged others to get involved
(c)He had patience
(d)He was content to work behind the scenes
2.Moses -- willing to let Joshua have something he did not get – De 3:26-29
3.God – Psalms 138:1-3
An encourager is used by God to remove Satan’s roadblocks, which dampen the effect of the power of God in your life.
Satan’s Roadblocks
-you can’t
-It’s not worth the effort
-They don’t appreciate you
-They don’t like you
-Helpless or not important any more (Significant to body)
-Misdirected energy
4.Jesus – thief on the cross