Encountering Jesus On The Emmaus Road
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Encountering Jesus on the Emmaus Road – Luke chapter 24 verses 13-31 – sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info
(1). Broken Hearts (vs 13-14)
(2). Blinkered Hearts (vs 15-26)
(3). Briefed Hearts (vs 27)
(4). Burning Hearts (vs 28-32)
(5). Boasting Hearts (vs 33-35)
• DVD Clip:
• Or Story: https://youtu.be/hnOPu0_YWhw
• On January 12, 2007 at 7:51am in the morning;
• An experiment began … sponsored by the Washington Post newspaper.
• A musician takes his position against a wall in the metro station;
• Of the Washington DC., subway.
• He is wearing jeans; a long-sleeved shirt, and a baseball cap.
• He opens his violin case … removes the instrument;
• Throws a few dollars into the case from his pocket as “seed money” … and begins playing.
• He plays for the next 43 minutes … and during that time
• He performs six classical pieces – flawlessly!
• During that 43 minutes;
• 1,097 people passed by, tossing in a total of $32.17 into his violin case.
• Of that 1,097 people;
• Only seven paused longer than sixty seconds to listen to this performance;
• Of those seven who lingered … only one recognized the violinist!
The name of the violinist was Joshua Bell:
• Three days prior – he had filled Boston’s Symphony Hall;
• Where just “adequate” tickets sold for $100 apiece.
• Joshua Bell’s talents & artistry commands an average of $1,000 per minute;
• Yet, when performing this day in the subway;
• He barely earned enough to pay for a pair of cheap shoes.
• You can’t fault the instrument;
• He was playing a Stradivarius worth 3.5 million dollars!
• You can’t fault the performance …
• He flawlessly played some of Johann Sebastian Bach’s best work!
• Yet … scarcely anyone noticed the presence of such artistry in this context:
• Flanked by a kiosk on one side and a shoe-shine stand on the other
• Most of those passer-by’s cynically wrote off this entertainer;
• Little did they know that among them was a genius;
• And if they gave him some time he would greatly enrich their lives!
• TRANSITION: Joshua Bell is not the only one to go unrecognized;
• 2,000 years ago on that first Easter Sunday Jesus too went unrecognized.
• We are going to look at two people walking along the road to Emmaus;
• And like the busy commuters on the Washington DC., subway.
• These two people had no idea of the identity of the one they would soon encounter!
(1). Broken Hearts (vs 13-14):
“Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened.”
• Some of the saddest words in our language begin with the letter D?
• For example:
• Disappointment, doubt, disillusionment, defeat, discouragement,
• Despondency, depression, despair and death.
• Disappointment, doubt, disillusionment, defeat, discouragement, despair and death;
• Are all words that sum up how Cleopas and his companion were feeling;
• As they trudged up the road toward a village called Emmaus.
Notice: How this section begins: “Now that same day”:
• The day Luke is referring to is mentioned in verse 1.
• The first day of the week was Sunday.
• This was the very first day that we now call ‘Easter Sunday.’
Luke tells us that these events happened:
• On the same day Jesus rose from the dead.
• But these two people were unaware of the good news of the resurrection;
• Because they had left the other disciples and were walking to a village called Emmaus.
• As they travelled together, they were sad and disillusioned.
• Emmaus was about 7 miles away from Jerusalem.
• And it would take them about 2-3 hours to walk there
Pause and ask the Question: Who is the other person with Cleopas?
Answer: Verse 9 gives us a clue.
• We are told that the women reported the news of the resurrection;
• “To the Eleven and all the others.”
• The news of Jesus being risen from the dead was not only to the Eleven disciples;
• (Judas was absent because we are told that he had left them and committed suicide),
• But we know from his verse and elsewhere;
• That Jesus had many more disciples than just the Twelve.
• Luke records, at the beginning of the book of Acts,
• That there were about 120 followers of Jesus.
The two walking on the road to Emmaus were two of that 120:
• One of these disciples is identified in verse 18.
• His name was...Cleopas.
• We are not told the identity of the other person.
• It may well have been the wife of Cleopas, or even a brother, or relative.