
Encountering Jesus: A Personal Transformation

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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This sermon explores the transformative moment when Thomas personally encounters Jesus. It highlights the profound realizations and changes we can experience when we truly understand who Jesus is.


This sermon is about what happened when Thomas saw Jesus after his resurrection. We can learn from this encounter what we truly have in Jesus.

Section 1: The Reunion in the Upper Room

The story begins after Jesus was captured in the Garden of Gethsemane, tortured, and crucified. His body was buried, but then he rose from the dead, completing his mission to redeem humanity. Now, the question is, what comes next?

John provides the most detailed account of what happened after Jesus' resurrection. He tells us that Jesus gathered his disciples for a reunion in an upper room, one week after his resurrection. Although most of the disciples had already seen Jesus during that week, Thomas was not present. Jesus wanted to ensure that all his disciples had a personal encounter with him before he ascended to heaven.

Section 2: The Importance of Fellowship

Jesus loves us so much that he wants us all to be saved and spend eternity with him. He delays his second coming until the whole world has heard the gospel because he desires everyone to have the opportunity to choose Jesus for themselves.

Thomas risked missing out on his ultimate blessing because he had forsaken the fellowship of the saints. While attending church alone won't save you, there is a blessing in coming together with other believers. Surrounding ourselves with positive and encouraging people can strengthen our faith and inspire us to live for God.

Section 3: Thomas' Doubt and Desire for Personal Experience

Thomas doubted the disciples' testimony about Jesus' resurrection because he wanted to see and experience it for himself. He didn't want to base his belief on what others said; he wanted his own personal encounter with Jesus. Thomas wanted to be able to say, "I know that he lives because I have seen him for myself."

Jesus understands Thomas' desire for personal experience, and a week later, he appears to Thomas and the other disciples in the same room. Despite the closed doors and shut windows, Jesus enters the room. This shows that nothing can keep Jesus out, not even physical barriers. He is the door, and he knocks on the door of our hearts, waiting for us to open and let him in.

Section 4: Blessed are Those Who Believe Without Seeing

Jesus goes straight to Thomas and offers him the opportunity to see and touch his wounds. However, Thomas doesn't need to physically touch Jesus to believe. Just one look at Jesus' face convinces Thomas that Jesus is his Lord and God. Thomas acknowledges Jesus' dominion over his life on earth and his supreme power and authority for all eternity.

We, too, are blessed because we believe in Jesus without physically seeing him. Jesus said, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (John 20:29, NIV). Our faith in Jesus brings us blessings that no one can take away. We may not have been present in the upper room or witnessed Jesus' miracles, but our belief in him brings us joy and eternal life.


In conclusion, Thomas teaches us the importance of having a personal encounter with Jesus. We should seek our own relationship with him and not rely solely on the experiences of others. Jesus desires for all of us to believe in him and be blessed. Let us trust in Jesus as our Lord and God, both in this life and for all eternity.

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