Contributed by Jorge Alvarez on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Ever wondered what Emmanuel means? Check out this great outline and you tailor it to your personal spiritual needs and those of your church.
Matt. 1:23 ; Is.7:14
INTRODUCTION: December 19, 1999 morning service, PIB San Diego, TX
December 2, 2001 evening service, Ebenezer, Union City, CA
Thanks to God’s great love, we enjoy the very presence of God among us and in us. “God with us” is the meaning the Bible gives us of the name Emanuel.
The knowledge of this name should impact our lives to be with great joy for the presence of God with us.
The definition of this name implies the following:
He is the Omnipresent God. There is no place in earth where He cannot be found. If you seek Him with all your heart you’ll find Him wherever you are. (1Kings 8:27)
A. Being Jesus the Savior of this world. (Jn.3:16)
1. Of Creation. (Rom.8:21)
2. Of Humanity. (Matt.1:21b)
a. To save us of our past sins.
b. To save us of our present ones.
c. To save us of a future in Hell.
B. Being Satan the Prince of this age. (Jn.12:31; Eph.2:2)
1. Even though Satan is the Prince, God is still in control.
2. God did not gave Satan that title, we did…when we decided to disobey.
3. As Prince he has great influence over us.
a. deceiving.
b. misguiding.
c. dividing families and churches.
II. HIS PRESENCE IN THE BELIVER. (Matt.28:20; Joel 2:27, 3:16,17)
God is so awesome that has promised to be with us. His presence does many things to us:
A. Encourages. (Josh.1:6)
B. Comforts. (Jn.14:16-18
C. Strengthens. (Joel 3:16)
D. Protects. (Jer.15:20)
E. Guides in times of darkness. (Ex. 13:21; 2 Sam.22:29)
F. Provides. (Ps.113:6-9)
G. Heals. (Jer.8:22)
A. “God with us”
B. “God is spirit” we know God through the person of Jesus.
C. God chose to reveal himself through Jesus. “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory…full of grace and truth”(Jn.1:14).
Since He is with us… let us rejoice knowing that His faithfulness in performing these great things for us are for sure. Merry Christmas!