Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Emmanuel. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
Emmanuel - Xmas carol service 2008
• A couple of years ago an advert challenged different celebrities to;
• ‘Describe Christmas in three words’.
• One celeb replied: ‘Eating too much’.
• Another replied; ‘Morecombe and Wise’.
• Others suggested ‘filling a stocking’.
• Another replied; ‘The Queens speech’.
• Still another replied; ‘Last minute shopping’.
• Then came the adverts punchline: ‘Christmas in three words’.
• ‘Marks and Spencer’.
• Of course if you take the word ‘Christ’ out of ‘Christmas’;
• All you are left with are three letters – ‘M&S’,
• But......
• Is that really what Christmas is all about?
• It is so easy to get preoccupied with shopping;
• That we forget Christmas is really all about celebrating!
For my talk this evening I have chosen ‘Three words to describe Christmas’:
• They are found in two books of the Bible:
• First mentioned in the Old Testament book of Isaiah (chapter 7 verse 14).
• And they are also mentioned in the New Testament book of Matthew (chapter 1 verse 23):
• Where Matthew quotes Isaiah the prophet in his gospel.
• In the languages of the Bible (Hebrew & Greek) it is two words: ‘Emmanuel’:
• ‘Immanu’, meaning ’with us’; and ‘El’, meaning ’God’.
• Translated into English it becomes three words: “God with us”.
• To me those records best describe ‘What Christmas is all about’.
(1). Emmanuel - God.
• Dictionary: the word ‘God’ is defined as ‘Deity or Supreme Being’.
• The maker of all things, a God who is omniscient and all-powerful.
• A being who is uncreated, eternal;
• A God who Christians believe has made himself known in a variety of different ways.
• If you have kids, you know that early on in life they would hand you a letter or a book;
• And say; “Daddy, what does it say?”
• To them it is only ink on paper;
• They are ignorant of the fact it is a poem or a story.
Now take that same idea and apply it to an adult who is unable to read;
• It could be possible for a person who cannot read;
• To insist that a poem is nothing but black inky marks on white paper.
• They might even examine the print under a microscope;
• Or run tests and analyze both the paper and ink;
• But no matter how thorough their examination;
• They will never find anything behind this sort of analysis that you could call “a poem.”
• Those who can read, however,
• Will continue to insist that poems exist.
The Bible never tries to prove the existence of God:
• It simply states as fact; “In the beginning” or “Before there was anything else - God”
• It is by faith not by facts that our eyes are open to his reality and presence!
• An older couple had an ongoing row;
• About which one of them was losing their hearing.
• One morning the husband decided he would settle the issue once and for all.
• While his wife was enjoying a book in the living room he said in a loud voice,
• "Dear, would you like a cup of tea?"
• Upon hearing no response he progressed to the next room and said again in a firm voice,
• "Dear, would you like a cup of tea?"
• Still there was no reply from his wife.
• Lastly he went into the living room and stood directly behind the chair;
• In which his wife was sitting.
• In an even louder voice he repeated,
• "Dear, would you like a cup of tea?"
• She turned to him with a slightly annoyed expression on her face and replied,
• "For the third time ... yes
Christians believe in a God who wants to communicate with us;
• He speaks to us through creation;
• Look at the world I made – open your eyes and see the design and beauty!
• He speaks to us through the Bible;
• In a world constantly changing he has given to us an unchanging word;
• He speaks to us through Jesus Christ;
• Who is called the ‘Word of God’.
• On a wall near the main entrance to the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas,
• Is a portrait with the following inscription:
• "James Butler Bonham--no picture of him exists.
• This portrait is of his nephew, Major James Bonham, deceased,
• Who greatly resembled his uncle.
• It is placed here by the family;
• That people may know the appearance of the man who died for freedom."
• No literal portrait of God exists either.
• But Jesus is described as the image of the invisible God.