
Embracing Your Power in Christ

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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Christ, possessing all power in heaven and on earth, has shared a portion of this power with those who believe in His name and live a new life through His redemption. These individuals are expected to exercise dominion in all areas of their lives.


Walking in Dominion


Dominion is the power, authority, and control over something or someone. It is the ability to request or command and expect fulfillment. As believers, we are called to walk in dominion in every area of our lives. In this sermon, we will explore the plain truth, principles, and places of walking in dominion.

The Plain Truth About Walking in Dominion

To walk in dominion, we must first conquer ourselves. Our flesh is our greatest enemy, and we must bring it under control. We need to choose to be different, to stop bowing to things we don't have to bow to. We must crucify our flesh, control our thoughts and desires, and submit to God's will. Only then can we have dominion over anything else.

The Principles of Walking in Dominion

a) Discover Your Source of Dominion: Our dominion comes from Jesus Christ. He has given us the power and authority to bind and loose situations in our lives. We need to recognize the power we have through Him and make Him Lord of our lives.

b) Obtain Knowledge on the Effective Use of Your Weapons: Our weapons are spiritual, such as prayer and the Word of God. We need to have fervent prayer, rooted in the Holy Spirit, and hide God's Word in our hearts. Prayer and faith give us dominion.

c) Maintain Your Relationship with the Body of Christ: Stay close to the church and fellow believers. The body of Christ is a divine relationship with Jesus. We need the support and prayers of other believers to walk in dominion.

d) Identify Your Enemy: Know who your enemy is – the devil. Understand his tactics and weaknesses. Jesus already defeated him, and we have the victory through Christ. Recognize that battles are spiritual, not against people.

e) Never Stay Unprepared: Stay in the blood of Jesus and fortify your weaknesses with the Word of God. Don't let your guard down and be ready for the devil's attacks. Keep your focus on Jesus and never take your eyes off Him.

f) Imbibe the Spirit of Praise: Use praise as a weapon against the enemy. God inhabits the praises of His people. Make the devil listen to your praise and watch how quickly you come out of difficult situations.

g) Obey the Lord Always: Complete obedience to God is key to walking in dominion. Walk in absolute obedience to His commands and His Word.

h) Never Share His Glory: Give all the glory to God alone. Do not boast in your own accomplishments but acknowledge that it is God who gives you victory.

The Places of Walking in Dominion

a) Dominion Over Sin: Recognize that sin should not have dominion over you. Reckon your body dead to sin and live victoriously through the Holy Spirit.

b) Dominion Over Fear: God has given us victory over fear and the spirit of fear. Trust in Him and His promises, knowing that He holds tomorrow.

c) Dominion Over the World: Do not conform to the ungodly principles of the world. Live above them through the power of grace given to us through our new birth.

d) Dominion Over Worries and Anxiety: Cast your worries and anxieties on God through prayer. Trust in Him and His faithfulness. We are more than conquerors through Christ.

e) Dominion Over Demons: Use the spiritual weapons God has given us to be victorious over Satan and his kingdom. Walk in the authority and power of Jesus Christ.

f) Dominion Over Thoughts: Exercise dominion over your thoughts and imaginations. Take captive every thought that is disobedient to Christ and His Word.

g) Dominion Over Failures and Setbacks: Even in times of failure or setbacks, build confidence in God and His Word for divine restoration.


To walk in dominion, we must be connected to Jesus Christ, who alone can give us dominion. Accept the free gift of salvation, repent of your sins, and surrender to Christ as your Lord and Savior. Walk in obedience to His commands and trust in His power and authority. With Christ, we can walk in dominion in every area of our lives.

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