
Embracing the New Year with Joy and Anticipation

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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As we bid farewell to this year, will we be filled with joy or regret? Will we face the future with anticipation or dread? This sermon encourages us to embrace the New Year with joy and anticipation.


When this year is over, will we look back with joy or regret? Will we face the future with anticipation or dread? Today, I want to share a passage from Ephesians 5:15-17 that can guide us as we approach the rest of this year. The Apostle Paul offers some important lessons for us to consider.

First Lesson: Be Careful How You Live

Firstly, we must be careful how we live because our time on this earth is limited. The Psalmist reminds us that our lives are fleeting and that we should recognize the brevity of our existence. We should number our days and develop a heart of wisdom.

Second Lesson: Make the Most of Every Opportunity

Secondly, Paul tells us to make the most of every opportunity. The days are filled with evil, and Satan tries to rob us of our time. We waste time on sinful activities, worrying about the consequences of our actions, and even on good things that distract us from what truly matters. We must prioritize and focus on the eternal rather than getting caught up in the here and now.

Third Lesson: Understand the Lord's Will

Lastly, Paul urges us to understand the Lord's will. We need to establish our priorities and put God at the top of our list. We should schedule time for prayer, reading God's Word, and spending quality time with our families. As Christians, we should also be diligent workers, honoring God in all that we do.


Living in the present is crucial. Regrets from the past and anxiety about the future can consume us. We must learn to appreciate each day and make the most of our time. Life happens while we're busy making plans for something else. As another year begins, let us redeem the time and use it wisely for God's glory.

In conclusion, Romans 13:11-12 reminds us to wake up from our slumber and put on the armor of light. Our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. As we enter this new year, may we find happiness, strength, humility, hope, and determination. Let us use the hours of this year wisely for God and His glory.

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