
Embracing Our Faith

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The call to Commitment


The Call to Commitment

Committed to Commitment - Romans 12 - March 15, 2009

Section 1

Today, we will be looking at Romans chapter 12. This book was written by the Apostle Paul to Christians living in Rome during the first century. Paul reminds them that as Christians, we have good news to share with the world. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the economic problems of our nation that we forget about the hope we have in God, which is not affected by what happens on Wall Street. Paul explains that although we are all sinners and deserve punishment, God, out of His mercy and grace, offers us forgiveness and salvation. He takes the righteousness of Christ and applies it to our spiritual accounts. This gives us hope beyond the problems we face in this life because we know there is an inheritance waiting for us in heaven. God is holding it for us, as we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.

Section 2

Last week, we learned that we can trust God to keep His promises to us. In chapters 9-11, Paul shows how God has been faithful to the nation of Israel by keeping every promise He made to them. We can be confident that God will also keep His promises to us.

Section 3

Now, let's move on to Romans chapter 12. In most of Paul's writings, he divides his message into two parts: doctrine and duty. The first part explains the truth, and the second part deals with how the truth should affect our lives. First, Paul tells us who we are, and then he tells us how we should live. So, let's see how Paul makes this transition in Romans 12.

Section 4

Paul begins by giving us the reason for our commitment. He says, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. This is your true and proper worship" (Romans 12:1, NIV). Our commitment is based on the fact that God has shown us mercy. He has given us salvation, which we do not deserve and cannot obtain on our own. God has been merciful in sparing us from the punishment we truly deserve. Because of His mercy, we should be changed.

Section 5

In Matthew 18, Jesus tells a parable about a man who was forgiven a great debt but failed to show mercy to others who owed him money. The man was punished for his lack of mercy. Similarly, when we receive mercy, it should make us grateful and merciful towards others. We should be thankful for the mercy God has shown us and commit our lives to following Him. Unfortunately, many Christians refuse to make this commitment.

Section 6

Paul reminds the Christians in Rome that they have received mercy and salvation, and they should be changed by it. As Christians, we are called to be different from the world. We should not conform to the patterns and values of the world around us. Instead, we should be transformed by renewing our minds. This means changing the way we think and aligning our thoughts with God's truth. By doing so, we will be able to discern and approve God's good, pleasing, and perfect will for our lives.

Section 7

Often, Christians fall into the same trap as the nation of Israel did in the Old Testament. The Jews failed to live up to their calling and conformed to the ways of the world instead of being a light to the nations. Many Christians today also conform to the world's standards instead of living according to God's truth. They blend in with their surroundings and camouflage their faith. But as Christians, we are called to stand out and be different.

Section 8

To break free from conformity and be transformed, we need to make a commitment to honor, obey, and serve God. This commitment should be total and wholehearted, just like a marriage commitment. God does not want us to make a contribution or sacrifice; He wants us to be a living sacrifice. Everything we have belongs to God, and we should offer our bodies as a sacrifice to Him. This is our spiritual act of worship.

Section 9

Making this commitment will rescue us from the consequences of conforming to the world. It will bring about a real and lasting change in our lives. We need to renew our minds by filling them with the knowledge of God's truth. This can be achieved by reading and studying the Bible, which is the source of God's wisdom and guidance. By aligning our thoughts with God's thoughts, we will be able to discern His will and live a life that pleases Him.

Section 10

Committing our lives to God's service may not always be glorious or easy. It requires daily choices and small acts of love and obedience. But in doing so, we will stand out as a light in the darkness. Our commitment will bring glory to God and testify to His goodness and faithfulness.


In conclusion, let us remember that in light of God's mercy, we are called to commit our lives to serving Him. We should not conform to the ways of the world but be transformed by renewing our minds with God's truth. This commitment will rescue us from the consequences of conformity and bring about a real change in our lives. Let us make the choice to honor, obey, and serve God, knowing that His will is good, pleasing, and perfect.

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