
Embracing New Beginnings

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
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As we approach the end of the year, we gather with our loved ones to celebrate and welcome the New Year. This is a time of change and hope, a time to leave behind the past and embrace new beginnings.


Today is the last day of the year, and in just a few hours, many of us will gather with our loved ones to celebrate the New Year. While some may host parties with alcohol, we must be cautious as it can lead to dangerous consequences such as drunk driving accidents and harmful actions. Unfortunately, even believers may participate in these festivities, giving the enemy an opportunity to disrupt what God has started in their lives. Why does this happen? It often occurs because people dwell on their past, becoming slaves to the world. This leads to a life filled with remorse instead of the love and peace that God desires for us. How many of us would like to live a life full of joy and peace in the Lord? How many of us desire a fresh start? Let's turn to the Word of God to discover how we can achieve this.

Section 1: Forget the Former Things

In Isaiah 43:18-19, God instructs us to forget the former things and not dwell on the past. He declares that He is doing something new and asks if we perceive it. To fully understand this message, let's briefly review the historical context. Isaiah lived during a time when God's people were divided into two kingdoms: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Both kingdoms had turned away from God, engaging in moral depravity, political corruption, social injustice, and spiritual idolatry. Isaiah warned the people of Judah about God's impending judgment due to their actions. He prophesied that they would be defeated and taken captive by Babylon, just as their northern counterparts had been. This serves as a reminder that our actions have consequences.

Section 2: Embrace a New Beginning

The people of Judah would endure another hundred years of difficulties before their fall and seventy years of exile. However, in these verses, God offers them words of consolation and calls them to repentance. He invites them to embrace a new beginning. Similarly, as we approach a new year, God calls us to start afresh. How many of us desire a new beginning today? How can we achieve this? Let's explore these two verses for the answers.

Section 3: Renew Your Thinking

Firstly, we are instructed to forget the former things and not dwell on the past. This is crucial because our adversary will use our past and faults to accuse us, keeping us enslaved to our own conscience. He will use our past to hinder us from living the life God intends for us, a life filled with joy and peace. However, it is important to clarify that we should never forget where Christ rescued, cleansed, and purified us. We must always remember and testify about this, glorifying God. Yet, we should not allow our past to influence our present or future. We must renew our thinking and focus on what God is doing in our lives. As Romans 12:2 states, we should not conform to the world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Section 4: God is Doing Something New

Secondly, God declares that He is doing something new. He wants to renew and strengthen us. He is searching for people who will trust and depend on Him. As believers, we must rely more on God and less on our own abilities. When we do this, we will experience God's power in our lives. We will witness victories over our enemies and experience His blessings. However, we must be willing to recognize our faults and genuinely repent. We cannot expect God's blessings if we continue to live in sin. As Proverbs 28:13 tells us, those who cover their sins will not prosper, but those who confess and forsake them will receive mercy.


God wants to do something new in our lives today. He wants to guide us through the tribulations we face, providing a path filled with His presence. He wants to quench our thirst with the living waters of His Spirit. We must not allow the enemy to detour us from God's chosen path. We must not allow him to depress or discourage us by dwelling on our past. Instead, we must concentrate on God and His plans for us.

In conclusion, the people of Judah were about to be captured and led into slavery by Babylon due to their rebellion and disobedience. However, God offered them words of hope, promising to free them and perform even greater miracles than He had done in the past. Unfortunately, they did not heed the warnings and continued on a path of rebellion and sin, leading to their captivity. Similarly, many believers today fall into the slavery of sin due to rebellion, apathy, and discouragement. Yet, God calls us to turn back to Him, leaving behind our sinful lives and embracing a holy life. He wants to do something new in our lives, restore us, and use us for His glory. As we approach a new year, let us examine ourselves, repent, and allow God to do something new in our lives.

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