
Embracing New Beginnings

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Are you prepared for the new phase God has planned for you? In Joshua 3, a life-changing event is on the horizon. How can we successfully navigate through this transition?


Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to take new ground in your life? Today, we will explore Joshua 3, where an event was about to happen that would change the lives of the Israelites forever. How did they successfully navigate this transition? Let's find out.

Joshua 3:1-17

In Joshua 3, we find the Israelites on the brink of entering the Promised Land after wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. Their fathers had failed to enter the land due to unbelief, but now a new generation, led by Joshua, had the opportunity to seize it.

Three Directives for Success

1. Set Your Eyes on God's Presence:

The Ark of the Covenant represented the presence of God among His people. In Joshua 3:3-4, the Israelites were instructed to keep a distance of about half a mile from the Ark. This ensured that everyone could see it and follow its movement. It also reminded them of the reverence they should have for God's presence. By keeping their eyes on the Ark, they would receive guidance and strength for their journey.

2. Sanctify Yourselves:

Joshua urged the people to sanctify themselves in preparation for the wonders God would do among them (Joshua 3:5). Sanctification involved separating themselves from anything displeasing to God and consecrating themselves to Him. It required humility, prayer, seeking God's face, and turning away from wickedness. By purifying themselves spiritually, they positioned themselves to experience God's power and blessings.

3. Step into the Water:

As the priests carrying the Ark stepped into the raging Jordan River, they demonstrated faith and obedience. Despite not seeing an immediate change, they persevered. Eventually, God miraculously stopped the flow of water upstream, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry ground (Joshua 3:13). This act of stepping into the water symbolized their commitment to the battle ahead and their willingness to risk everything for God's glory.


Just as the Israelites faced a new season of challenges and opportunities, we too may find ourselves in a similar situation. It is crucial to prepare ourselves by setting our eyes on God's presence, sanctifying ourselves, and stepping out in faith. By doing so, we position ourselves to experience God's wonders and receive His guidance and strength for the journey ahead.

Remember, God is with us in every season of life. Let us trust Him, obey His commands, and embrace the new season He has for us.

Scripture Reference

Joshua 3:1-17 (New International Version)

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