
Embracing Life's Seasons: A Divine Perspective

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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We serve a God of seasons. This sermon addresses three main points that saints encounter when we step into a new season of God.


Take a moment to look around you. Look at this building and the faces of those around you. You see, this place is different from when you first walked in this morning. And each one of you who came here today is different because you have just entered a new season.

You may have thought you were just coming to a Sunday morning meeting, but you didn't expect to step into a new level, a new dimension of God today.

I want you to turn to the person on your right and tell them, "I have entered a new season."

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven" - Ecclesiastes 3:1

We serve a God who brings different seasons into our lives. Just like in creation, where God created the four seasons based on the Earth's rotation around the Sun, our lives also go through different seasons. The Son, Jesus Christ, remains constant while everything else revolves around Him.

Our lives will change, and we will enter and exit many seasons, but Jesus remains constant yesterday, today, and forever.

We serve a God who brings different seasons into our lives. But God doesn't measure seasons with clocks and calendars; He measures them through truth and revelation. Whenever God gives you a fresh Word, you have just entered a new season.

But just as our Scripture verse says, there is a purpose for every season. Every aspect of our lives is like a season, and each season has a reason and a purpose. Sometimes we go through seasons we didn't want to experience, but we learn valuable lessons from them. There are seasons we go through that we don't understand why, but there is always a reason for that season.

Just because you are going through difficult times or have gone through a rough season doesn't mean God is finished with you. Remember, "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6). God has a good work for you, and you have just entered a new season.

This morning, we will take a quick look at the life of Peter, one of the disciples who went through various seasons. Through Peter's life, we will discuss three key principles about stepping into a new season. If you are taking notes, write these down.

Stepping into a new season brings new changes

Change is inevitable. We can see it in the world around us. Things are different today than they were 10 years ago, last year, or even yesterday. But remember, we serve a God of seasons.

Just like in creation, where the seasons change, our lives also go through different seasons. Some seasons are meant for growth, while others are meant for letting go. Some seasons are filled with light, while others are filled with darkness.

In some seasons, your mountaintop experiences with God may last a long time, but there are also seasons when it feels like the night will never end. In those long nights, when tears seem to flow endlessly, remember that morning will come, and joy will return to your spirit.

Looking at Peter's life, we see that he entered a new season when Jesus called him to follow. In Matthew 4:18-20, we read that Jesus saw Peter and his brother Andrew fishing by the Sea of Galilee. Jesus said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." They immediately left their nets and followed Him.

Peter's life changed when he stepped into this new season. Jesus promised to transform him into something more than just a fisherman. There was an inward change that took place within Peter. Jesus was going to make something out of Peter that he wasn't before. You have also stepped into a new season, and God has a miracle waiting to sprout forth in your life.

Stepping into a new season brings new challenges

When Peter followed Jesus, he faced many challenges. His faith was challenged when he walked on water during a storm. His feelings were challenged when he proclaimed Jesus as the Son of God but was later rebuked by Jesus and called Satan. His traditions and prejudices were challenged when he followed Jesus into Samaria. His humility was challenged when Jesus washed his feet.

In all these instances, Peter stepped up to the challenge. However, there was a time when Peter entered a season of failure. He went from being a follower of Jesus to following at a distance. In the courtyard, Peter denied knowing the Lord three times. He felt like a complete failure.

But there is grace and mercy for those who fail to meet the challenge. God's love is greater than our failures. Even when we feel like we've let the Lord down, He still has a purpose for us in our new season.

After Peter's denial, he had an encounter with the risen Savior. Jesus told him to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit to descend. In Acts chapter 2, Peter stepped into a new season as the Holy Spirit filled him and the other believers. Today, we are stepping into that same season of power and prosperity.

Stepping into a new season births new champions

Peter was transformed from a fisherman into a powerful preacher. Those who knew Peter before were amazed at the champion he had become.

God has transformed us by His power, and He is calling us to step into a new season as champions. We are stepping into a season where all the peoples of the earth will see that we are called by the name of the Lord. It is a season of blessings and abundance, where we will lend and not borrow, where we will be the head and not the tail.

We are stepping into a season where God will restore what has been taken from us. We are champions, and our new season is here.


Raise your hands in the air and proclaim it. Just like a true champion standing on the Olympic platform, Heaven's anthem is being played over you. You are a champion, and God has a gold medal waiting for you.

Step into your new season with faith. Step out from where you are and make your way to the front to begin stepping into your new season. And if you have never asked Jesus into your life, today is the day to become a champion.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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