
Embracing Humility: Lessons from Moses

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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This sermon explores the power and benefits of humility, offering practical steps to embrace this virtue in our daily lives. We delve into the life of Moses as depicted in Numbers 12, and consider teachings of Jesus on the subject.


Today, we will explore the benefits of humility and discover practical steps to cultivate a humble attitude. In the book of Numbers, chapter 12, we find an excellent example of humility in the life of Moses. He is described as the most humble man on earth. Let us learn from his example and also consider Jesus' teachings on humility.

Spiritual Authority and Humility

Spiritual authority is crucial in ministry. It is not about having a position of authority, but rather possessing spiritual authority that impacts lives. The scribes and Pharisees had positional authority, but Jesus had spiritual authority. When Jesus spoke, people recognized the power and authority behind His words. In today's world, we can easily find sermons and teachings on the internet, but true spiritual authority cannot be obtained from a mere script. It is the authority entrusted to us by God that truly impacts lives.

Conflict in Numbers 12

In Numbers 12, we witness a conflict between Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. Miriam and Aaron desired the same spiritual authority that Moses possessed. However, they were going about it in the wrong way. Spiritual authority is not obtained by grasping for it; it is acquired through surrendering ourselves to God. The more we surrender to God, the more He can trust us with spiritual authority.

Moses' Response

Let us examine how Moses exercised his spiritual authority in this situation:

1. Moses did not defend himself. Instead of trying to control or manipulate the situation, he entrusted himself to God. When Miriam and Aaron verbally attacked him, Moses remained silent. The simple words, "And the Lord heard it," carry significant weight. We should be cautious about what we say behind closed doors, as God hears everything. Moses' behavior demonstrates his trust in God's defense.

2. Moses prayed for those who attacked him. He did not seek revenge or vindication; instead, he interceded for Miriam when she was struck with leprosy. Moses used his spiritual authority to pray for her healing. This selfless act exemplifies the kind of person God can trust with spiritual authority. Jesus also displayed this humility when He prayed for forgiveness for those who crucified Him. Joseph, too, used his power to provide for those who had previously harmed him. Can God trust us to use spiritual authority to reflect His love?

Jesus' Teachings on Humility

Jesus taught us a powerful principle in Luke 14:11, "For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." If we try to elevate ourselves, God will bring us down. However, if we humble ourselves, God will lift us up. 1 Peter 5:6 encourages us to humble ourselves under God's mighty hand, trusting that He will exalt us in due time.

Practical Steps to Cultivate Humility

We must ask ourselves two important questions:

1. Do we truly believe what Jesus said about humility and exaltation? Do we genuinely trust that if we humble ourselves, God will exalt us in His perfect timing? Or do we secretly hold onto the world's belief that self-promotion leads to success?

2. Are we willing to wait patiently for God's timing? Often, God uses circumstances to cultivate deeper humility within us before exalting us. Can we trust Him even if there are delays? Do we believe that He is working for our best interest?

Once we have answered these questions, we can move on to the practical steps of cultivating humility:

1. Choose to trust God to defend us instead of defending ourselves. Let go of the need to win arguments or be right. Recognize that the urge to defend ourselves often stems from pride. Like Moses, prioritize the well-being of others over our own reputation.

2. Seek forgiveness and offer forgiveness. Humbling ourselves involves acknowledging our faults and asking for forgiveness. It also means relinquishing the right to hold grudges and extending forgiveness to others. In conflicts, both parties have the opportunity to humble themselves. Those who do so are taking steps towards spiritual authority.


In conclusion, let us be aware of signs that indicate we need to humble ourselves:

1. Unresolved conflicts.

2. Holding onto offense.

3. Frustration due to unrecognized abilities.

4. Depression caused by a constant need for validation.

5. Self-centeredness, neglecting to appreciate others and their abilities.

May we continually strive for humility, following the example of Moses, Jesus, and other faithful servants of God. Through humility, we can experience the power and authority that come from surrendering ourselves to God.

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