
Embracing Gratitude in Everyday Life

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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In this sermon, we will explore the importance of being thankful to God and provide nine practical ways to express this gratitude.


Today, we will discuss the importance of being thankful to God and explore nine practical ways to express our gratitude. As we approach Thanksgiving, let us remember that it is not just about food and festivities, but also about giving thanks to the Lord.

Why Should You Be Thankful to God?

Psalm 18 serves as our text for today, written by David after God delivered him from his enemies, particularly King Saul. David gives several reasons why we should be thankful to God in the first three verses.

1. God Wants a Personal Relationship with You:

David emphasizes his personal relationship with God, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to know Him. We should be thankful that the Creator of the Universe desires a personal relationship with us.

2. God Is Your Strength:

Despite being a mighty warrior, David acknowledges that his strength comes from God. We should be grateful that we can rely on God's strength rather than our own.

3. God Is Your Rock:

David finds security in God, comparing Him to a rock that keeps him safe from his enemies. We should be thankful that God is our firm foundation and protector.

4. God Is Your Fortress:

A fortress provides protection from the enemy, and David recognizes that God surrounds and shields His people. We should be grateful for the safety and refuge found in God.

5. God Is Your Deliverer:

David experienced numerous deliverances from God throughout his life, and he praises God for rescuing him from powerful enemies. We should be thankful that God delivers us from sin and continues to rescue us in times of trouble.

How Can You Say Thank You to God?

Now that we understand why we should be thankful to God, let us explore nine practical ways to express our gratitude:

1. Be More Like Christ:

Strive to live a life that reflects the character of Christ rather than conforming to the ways of the world.

2. Spend Time with God:

Develop a daily habit of seeking God through prayer and reading His Word, thirsting for a deeper relationship with Him.

3. Praise and Worship Publicly:

Participate in corporate worship, lifting your voice in praise to God in the presence of other believers.

4. Forgive Others:

Extend forgiveness to those who have wronged you, just as God has forgiven you.

5. Serve Others:

Follow Jesus' example by serving others selflessly, demonstrating your love for God and His church.

6. Share Your Testimony:

Tell others about how God has worked in your life, sharing the good news of His love and faithfulness.

7. Reach Out to the Hurting:

Show compassion to those in need, providing food, drink, and comfort to those who are suffering.

8. Give Your Best to God:

Offer your time, talents, and resources to God, giving Him your best in all areas of your life.

9. Deny Yourself and Follow Jesus:

Take up your cross daily, surrendering your desires and following Jesus wholeheartedly.


As we reflect on the reasons to be thankful to God and the practical ways to express our gratitude, let us remember that gratitude unexpressed is ingratitude. Let us strive to live lives filled with thankfulness, continually giving thanks to the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness.

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