
Embracing a New Dawn

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Your days of sorrow are behind you. Prepare for a significant shift in your life.


Today, I want to talk about experiencing a turning point because I believe someone is on the verge of a significant change for the better. A turning point can occur in an individual's life, a family, an organization, or even a nation. Throughout the Bible, we find stories of people who experienced turning points, where their circumstances turned around and changed for the better.

Example 1: Abraham's Turning Point

One example is Abraham, who had a turning point when God called him to leave his family and country (Genesis 12:1).

Example 2: Moses' Turning Point

Another is Moses, who experienced a turning point when God called him from a burning bush to deliver the Israelites from slavery (Exodus 3).

Example 3: Isaiah's Turning Point

Prophet Isaiah also had a turning point when King Uzziah died, and he saw God in a new and powerful way (Isaiah 6:1-8).

Four Things that Happen in a Turning Point

1. God turns mourning into dancing: Mourning doesn't only refer to grieving the loss of a loved one. It can also represent deep sadness, pain, and burdens that weigh us down. Like Hannah in the Bible, who longed for a child and faced mockery and despair (1 Samuel 1:6-8), many people are mourning today. But as Hannah did, we must not let discouragement hinder our prayers. Instead, we should pray fervently, focusing on God. When we do this, God hears our prayers and turns our mourning into dancing.

2. God repairs situations or people that seem beyond repair: Just as a car can be considered a write-off after a severe accident, there are situations and people that seem irreparable. In Mark 5:1-5, we read about a man possessed by demons, living among the tombs. No one could control or help him. Sometimes, we face problems that are beyond human solutions. But God specializes in turning around seemingly hopeless situations. He can repair what others consider irreparable.

3. God turns every evil plan against us around: Just as God turned the evil plans of Haman against the Jews in the book of Esther (Esther 7:3-4), He can turn every evil plan against us around. The devil may have dug a pit for us or set traps to bring us down, but God will cause those plans to backfire. He will protect and deliver us, ensuring that all glory, honor, and worship go to Him alone.

4. God turns us from the error of our ways: Proverbs 14:12 warns that there is a way that seems right to us but leads to destruction. Sometimes, we make choices that appear good on the surface but ultimately bring pain and regret. The prodigal son in Luke 15:11-18 thought he was making a wise decision by leaving his father and squandering his inheritance. However, he ended up in poverty and despair. We must recognize the importance of staying close to our Heavenly Father and making choices aligned with His will.


Today, I pray that each one of us experiences a turning point in our lives. May God turn our mourning into dancing, repair what seems irreparable, thwart every evil plan against us, and guide us away from destructive paths. Let us return to our Heavenly Father and find our true inheritance in Him. May we all encounter God in a fresh and transformative way today. Amen.

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