
Summary: God love is a constant and comforting presence in our life. When we are embraced by God's love we have everything we need.

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Today, we gather to reflect on a profound and beautiful truth: the constant and comforting presence of God’s love in our lives. Throughout our journey, we experience many seasons of change. We encounter good days and not-so-good days, moments of happiness, sadness, and even pain. The world around us is constantly shifting, often leaving us unsure of how to respond. Yet, amidst all these changes and trials, one thing has remained steadfast and unchanging—God’s unwavering love for each of us.

The Bible is filled with assurances of this love, reminding us that we are never truly alone. God’s love is not just a distant or abstract concept; it is a tangible and ever-present force that guides, comforts, and sustains us through every season of life. Whether we are experiencing moments of joy or walking through the valleys of hardship, God’s love remains a steadfast source of hope and strength.

Psalm 23 has become my message of comfort, but it is also a strong message of hope and healing. We all need that reassurance of Love---What world needs now is Love---but those us who know we have that Love. As I think about David writing of this, I envision him just looking up to God being truly grateful. A moment of reflection of all that he had done and experience, he acknowledges God was there.

David in that moment of reflection was embraced by God’s Love- he was experiencing His unconditional, unwavering, and ever-present love and affection. No matter what we face, God’s love surrounds us, providing the comfort, the guidance, and the strength to see it through.

God’s love is not dependent on our circumstances or actions; it is a constant source of hope and peace that transcends all challenges.

I want us to rethink or recharge our thoughts on how we look at this message as it beautifully illustrates the ways in which God’s love embraces us. From providing for our needs and guiding us along righteous paths, to comforting us in our darkest hours and promising us an eternal home, Psalm 23 is a powerful testament to the depth and breadth of God’s love.

Let us open our hearts and minds to receive this message of hope and encouragement, knowing that we are deeply loved and never alone. May we find peace and reassurance in the knowledge that God’s love is always with us, embracing us with its warmth and grace.

Key Point 1: God’s Love Provides Guidance and Provision

Psalm 23:1-3

o “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”

If we look over all that we have been through and accomplished, it was nobody but God that saw through it. In those times when it seemed like nobody cared, or we didn’t know how we were going to make it---and despite us -God made a way out of know way, so we lack nothing in God’s care. Jesus our Shepherd take us by the hand lead us---same give rest (calms the storms—the waters so that we can see our way through. God’s love ensures that we are cared for and guided throughout our lives. God is present in our lives, guiding us, removing obstacles, and transforming us for the better or as David says here “he restores my soul.

If we make this Psalm our own---we have the depth of belief that God love us and he is in control. He will never leave or forsake us. If I take ownership these of David---what I am saying. God I trust you and I believe that you guide me through and provide for my every need.

Know this that God’s is always looking out for your well-being.

Key Point 2: God’s Love is Present in Difficult Times

Psalm 23:4

o “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

God’s love is a source of comfort and strength, even in the darkest moments. Let keep it real we all face difficult moments or situations. t is easy to feel overwhelmed and alone. Yet, it is precisely in these moments of despair that God’s love shines the brightest. His loIve envelops us like a warm embrace, providing solace and reassurance when we need it most. It is a steadfast anchor that holds us firm amidst the storms of life, reminding us that we are never truly alone.

But God’s Love--through His love, we find the courage to persevere, the peace to endure, and the hope to look forward to brighter days. God’s love transforms our darkest hours into opportunities for growth and deeper faith, guiding us through every challenge with His unwavering presence.

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