
Embrace the Change: Finding Blessings in Turmoil

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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Are you experiencing a rough patch in your life where everything seems to be going wrong? Good news awaits you! God is transitioning you into a phase of blessings! Embrace the change!


Do you feel like you are going through a difficult time in your life and nothing seems to be going right? Well, I have some good news for you! God is about to bring a change and shift you into a place of blessing. Get ready for a transformation!


Isaiah 40:1-5

Psalm 126:1-6


In the scriptures, we find Isaiah prophesying to a people who had turned away from God. Despite their backsliding, they were still God's chosen people through the covenant He made with Abraham. Abraham's obedience to God had brought blessings upon the Israelites.

The Israelites had experienced incredible miracles and deliverance, such as the parting of the Red Sea, supernatural provision in the wilderness, and the crumbling of the Jericho walls. Through these trials, they knew that God was with them. However, God wanted them to continue obeying Him in order to receive His ongoing blessings.

God warned them not to associate with those who did not follow Him. He instructed them not to mix with those who lived in darkness or unrighteousness. He wanted them to separate themselves from the world and focus on their relationship with Him.

Today, God is still saying the same thing to us: Be careful who you associate with. It's not that everyone you interact with is bad, but some relationships are not beneficial for your spiritual growth. God wants many of us to cut off certain relationships that hinder us from moving forward in His plan for our lives.

In fact, God wants you to completely remove these hindrances from your life. I don't mean physically harm anyone, but rather end the relationship. Many of these relationships have more influence over you than God does, and it's time to let them go. God wants to turn around the situations in your life, but if you don't take action, they will continue to hold you back.

If you want to move forward in your relationship with God, you may need to die to your own desires and selfishness. Let go of emotions, family issues, and anything else that distracts you from pursuing God's will. Anything that is dead cannot harm or affect you. You need to become like a "dead man walking" in order to overcome these obstacles.

The Israelites, unfortunately, failed to heed God's warning and ended up marrying people who did not follow God's ways. This led them astray and caused them great trouble. Similarly, we must be cautious in our relationships, especially when it comes to marriage. It is important to marry someone who shares our faith and values.

Many people today attend church but do not truly have the church in them. We need to examine our hearts and ensure that our relationship with God is genuine and not just superficial.

Shift in Message

Isaiah was a true prophet who spoke the truth of God's message. The first 39 chapters of Isaiah focus on the need for repentance and warn of God's judgment. However, in chapter 40, there is a shift in the message. This shift signifies a change in our lives. We cannot remain the same old person; we must embrace the transformation God wants to bring.

During this shifting period, there is no more judgment from God. The Word of God says, "your warfare has ended." The battle is over. In this shifting season, our sins are forgiven, and God pardons our iniquities. He casts our sins into the sea of forgetfulness. People may remember our past mistakes, but through the blood of Jesus, we are washed clean.

Isaiah was instructed to proclaim, "Prepare the way for the Lord." This was a call to prepare for the arrival of a prince or a significant person. In this context, it means preparing the way for God to work in our lives. God knows the best route for us, and He will lead us out of the desert and into a place of blessing.

Every valley will be lifted up, symbolizing the dry areas of our lives being exalted. This includes areas such as finances, self-esteem, and anointing. God is getting ready to lift you up.

Every mountain will be made low, representing the high places that are out of our reach. These could be promotions, opportunities, or blessings that seem unattainable. But God will bring them down to where you can access them. He will make a way for you.

Shift in Your Life

There is a shift taking place in your life. Don't focus on the difficulties; instead, trust that God is transitioning you to a better place and a new level in Him. It may be uncomfortable, but remember that God will reward you with double blessings for your troubles.

Just like Job, who lost everything but received double restoration, whatever you have lost will be restored to you. Believe in the promises of God and hold on to His faithfulness.

So, get ready for the shift! Embrace the change that God is bringing into your life. Trust Him to lead you through this transition and into a place of abundant blessings.

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