
Summary: Genesis chapter 18 teaches us how to effectively wait on the Lord. We all tend to struggle most when we are watching the clock and waiting for time to past. If you have ever gone on a road trip with Children, the one question asked again and again is, “Are we there yet?”

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In Genesis 17-19, we have a revealing story of an interview between God and Abraham, His friend. Abraham proved to be a true Friend of God, while Lot proved to be a friend of the world. Not only is God Abraham’s friend, God is a friend of Sinners. After years of holding on to a promise from God, how do we effectively wait on the Lord. "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thy heart; wait, I say, on the Lord." David encourages all of us to wait the Lord. When Abram is ninety-nine, God revisits him. God confirms the promise He made years before. He changes the name of Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah. God even instituted circumcision as the sign of the covenant. And he promised Abraham a son who name was to be called Isaac. Also God promised to bless Ishmael in a special way. In humble obedience, Abraham circumcises himself, his son, Ishmael and every male that was born in his house. While we waiting on God to fulfil His promise, we should obey and do what we know to do.

Genesis chapter 18 teaches us many things, but one of the most important is how to effectively wait on the Lord. We all tend to struggle most when we are watching the clock and waiting for time to past. If you have ever gone on a road trip with Children, the one question asked again and again is, “Are we there yet?” Abram knew how to wait. He was expectant; for he knew that what God who had promised will come to pass and though it seems to tarry. He waited actively; not idle. using the available means of grace, reading, listening, praying, believing, and productively working. Abraham acknowledges God in all his ways, knowing that God would direct his steps. They that wait upon the Lord shall never be confounded.

Abraham, this friend of God was sitting in his tent door watching out for traveling strangers needing a place to rest. This chapter reveals that in the process, Abraham found himself ministering to the Lord. He interceded for his wife, Sarah. Then he interceded in behalf of a lost world. What does it mean to wait on the Lord amid a pandemic? First, effectively waiting on God begins with attentive service.

1. Offer Attentive Service to Others. Abram ministered to the Lord. Abraham is visited by three men near the great trees of Mamre. This lesson amplifies the connection that God had with Abraham. Why did God approach Abraham in this manner? Why not use a vision or a voice? Many believe that was to be as a comparison between the treatment received the angels at Abraham's house and the treatment they would receive at Sodom. This shows a contrast between Abraham's peaceful, quiet visit and Sodom's outburst of brutality and inhumanity. But more likely Abraham's visitors meant to convey intimate fellowship. To eat together was important for fellowship, peace offerings, and treaties. When the Lord was ready to fulfill his covenant promise, He came in person and ate in Abraham's tent. This lesson reveals Abraham's attitude in service to the Lord. Abraham...hurried to them, hurried back to the tent, ran to the herd, his servants hurried; he bowed low before them; he brought water to wash their feet; he served them fresh baked bread; a choice calf, curds, and milk and stood while they were eating.

Hebrews 13:1,2 "Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

We must learn from Abraham's example that when we are in the presence of the Lord, we must offer attentive service. Abraham gives a vivid picture in the text of what it really means to wait on the Lord. He provides the best greeting, and attentive service – he kneels before them, offers shade to rest, water to wash, and shelter from the heat. the best service, the choicest calf and the freshest bread, butter and milk. He did it all not knowing who they were. We must not sit idle in the pandemic, offer attentive service to others. Whatever we offer others in His name, we are offering to Him. What are we offering the Lord as we minister unto him and for the fulfilment of his promises?

2. Offer Extravagant Hospitality to All – Abraham offered his choicest calf and the freshest bread, butter and milk. What are we offering the Lord as we minister unto him. Abram offered splendid entertainment. He set a whole calf before them, new bread from fine flour, baked on the hearth, together with butter and milk. Three measures of meal were baked into bread on this occasion, which come to more than two of our bushels, and nearly to fifty-six pounds of our weight. Abraham does not know that these men are heavenly visitors, yet he offered extravagant hospitality. Following the meal, one of the visitors asked about his wife, Sarah, announcing that a son would be born to Sarah in a year. The thought seemed too much for Sarah. Sarah laughed in her heart. The angel rebuked Abraham for his wife's attitude and call her to belief by asking, "Is there anything too hard for God?" "Is a child from a dead womb too hard for a God who called all things into existence?" It is no laughing matter because He can do it. Nothing is incredible for those in covenant fellowship with God because nothing is too difficult for him.

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