Duct Tape Lessons For Dads
Contributed by Walter Swaim on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus used many things to illustrate His truths. For Father’s Day we discover God’s truths for fathering from the Bible through the use of every man’s tool: duct tape.
Today is a great day for men - Father’s Day. Jesus would often use objects to get His truth into the hearts and minds of people, so they would remember it easily for long time and get the point. Fish, nets, fishing, bread, water, rivers, trees, fruit, vineyards, wooden board/pole, shepherd/sheep, etc.
So today we take an object - duct tape, something we use a lot guys - and see what truths God tells us as dads to live by.
You can do almost anything with one of the greatest things in life ever created - besides post-its - is duct tape.
ILLUS: When we were missionaries in Argentina they had a phrase that whatever it is that needs repair, you use wire and scotch tape and you’re good to go. But then, in the 90’s they were introduced to DUCT TAPE. I was a missionary of not just the Good News of Jesus Christ, but of duct tape. I would buy tons of it and bring it back to Argentina with us, then you could get it there in hardware stores and supermarts in our city. I used it everywhere and thy received the duct tape in their own lives and began to live by duct tape.
ILLUS: CURT WOHLEBER - AmericanHeritage.com:
"The original olive-drab version of the tape was developed during World War II for a specific purpose: The military needed a tough, waterproof adhesive tape to seal ammunition cases and other containers.
At Permacell, a division of Johnson & Johnson, a research team led by John Denoye and Bill Gross set to work on a cloth tape that would be similar to surgical tape but tougher and water-resistant. They came up with a strip of cottonmesh cloth coated with a polyurethane sealant on one side (making it waterproof and allowing the tape to be peeled off the roll) and a thick coating of rubberbased adhesive on the other. According to an undocumented tradition, military personnel called the stuff duck tape, either because water rolled off it or because of the layer of cotton “duck” cloth that formed its base. The amphibious vehicle known as the “duck” (from DUKV, the manufacturer’s classification code) may also have something to do with the name. Its use on ammunition cases led to another name, gun tape.
What made duck tape unique was its combination of a strong pressure-sensitive adhesive with a backing that could be torn by hand. Among countless applications, soldiers used it to mend boots, patch holes in tents, and strap equipment to jeeps and tanks. During the postwar housing boom ex-GIs found that duck tape was handy for sealing joints and insulation on ventilation and air-conditioning ducts. It changed from khaki to the familiar silvery gray and was christened, or rechristened, duct tape. Many people still call it duck tape, presumably because the two phrases sound almost identical. In the 1980s the Cleveland-based firm of Manco, Inc., capitalized on the persistence of the original term by marketing its tape under the registered trademark Duck tape.
Astronauts in the crippled Apollo 13 space capsule used duct tape to improvise a lifesaving carbon dioxide filter. Duct tape is standard equipment on the space shuttle and the International Space Station. According to a testimonial on the Manco Web site, mechanics once used duct tape to temporarily patch a small hole in the windshield of a passenger jet."
adheres closely to what it was designed to --- your main purpose is to adhere to Jesus Christ
John 15:4-5 - "...without Me you can do nothing..."
If you are dissatisfied (and we all are and will be when we seek it without Christ) then we will either become useless and lost or angry and unbearable. The Lord God Jesus Christ is to be front & center always -
Philippians 3:14 (HCSB)
14 I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14 (NKJV)
14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
strong yet flexible --- we are to have a quiet strength (meekness)
Eph. 6:10-11
1 Tim. 3:2-3
2 Timothy 2:24-26 (NKJV)
24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,
25 in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, 26 and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.
- Do your kids & wife see you as a source of strength? Are you strong yet flexible to do the wisest thing under a shifting set o circumstances? Do you keep major and minor things separate or do you have then mixed?