
Dry Bones

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
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Explore and understand God's incredible power to restore and renew, even in seemingly hopeless situations.


Good morning, church family. I hope you're all feeling the Spirit of God in your hearts today. We're going to dive deep into the Word of God, focusing on a passage that is both mysterious and hopeful. We'll be exploring Ezekiel 37, where we see God's incredible power to restore and renew, breathing life into what appears hopelessly dead.

This passage reminds me of a quote by Robert Murray McCheyne, who once said, "It is the voice of Christ that wakens the dead soul. Jesus speaks through the Bible, through ministers, through providences. His voice can reach the dead. He quickeneth whom He will. They that hear, live."

Now, let's delve into the Scripture.

[Read passage]

Let’s bow our heads in prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You today, ready to receive Your Word. Open our hearts to the message You have for us in this service. Help us understand the depth of Your power to restore our souls, the hope of renewal that You offer and the breath of life You breathe into us. Lord, guide us through the valleys of dry bones in our lives, and teach us to trust in Your power to bring life where there seems only death. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

God's Power to Restore Our Souls

God's power to restore our souls is not just about physical healing or renewal, but it goes much deeper, reaching into the very core of our being. It's about God's ability to breathe life into our dry, weary, and broken spirits, to revive our faith when it seems lost, and to restore our hope when it seems gone.

A metaphor that illustrates this truth: The prophet Ezekiel is led by God to a valley full of dry bones, symbolizing a state of utter hopelessness and despair. Yet, God asks Ezekiel if these bones can live again, to which Ezekiel responds, "Sovereign Lord, you alone know." This response is a testament to God's omnipotence, acknowledging that only He has the power to bring life where there seems to be only death.

It’s active and present in our lives today: Each of us, at some point in our lives, has faced or will face valleys of dry bones. These valleys can take many forms - a devastating loss, a crushing failure, a painful betrayal, a lingering illness, or a deep-seated guilt. In these moments, we may feel like those dry bones in the valley, devoid of life and hope.

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In these moments: God's power to restore our souls shines the brightest. Just as He breathed life into those dry bones, He can breathe life into our weary souls. He can restore our faith when it wavers, renew our hope when it fades, and revive our joy when it withers. He can transform our valleys of dry bones into lush gardens of life and hope.

A continuous process: Just as the dry bones in Ezekiel's vision didn't come to life instantly but gradually, our spiritual restoration is a journey, not a destination. It involves daily surrender, constant prayer, and persistent faith. It requires us to let go of our self-reliance and to lean on God's strength, to let go of our understanding and to trust in God's wisdom, and to let go of our plans and to embrace God's purpose.

For His glory: When God breathed life into the dry bones, they became a vast army, a testament to His power and a beacon of hope to others. Similarly, when God restores our souls, we become living testimonies of His grace, love, and power. We become vessels through which He can touch other lives, inspire other hearts, and transform other souls.

A truth that we must embrace: It is a beacon of hope in our valleys of dry bones, a testament to His omnipotence, a journey of faith, and a call to glorify Him. It is a divine power that can transform our lives, our hearts, and our souls.

The Hope of Renewal

The Hope of Renewal is the promise that no matter how far we have strayed, no matter how dry and lifeless our spiritual state may be, God can breathe new life into us ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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