Dreaming Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 4th sermon in the series "Walking With Jesus". This sermon is about the Transfiguration.
Sunday Morning, September 29, 2002 Bel Aire Baptist Church
Series: ¡§Walking With Jesus¡¨ [#4]
Matthew 17:1-8
1. On this ¡§Hawaiian Lu au Sunday¡¨ if I could send you on your dream vacation where would it be? Many of you have already got to go on that special vacation. Have you ever gone on a vacation or a retreat that was so good you never wanted to leave?
2. I have been on a couple of church retreats in my life that I didn¡¦t want to leave. For me, going to the mountains and spending time with God is something very special.
3. As we continue on in our series ¡§Walking With Jesus,¡¨ we find Peter, James, and John on a mountaintop with Jesus not wanting to ever leave.
Matthew 17:1-8 [Use Visual Bible][Run Matthew Video Tape]
4. In our text, we will find three discussions that took place.
Matthew 17:1-3
Discussion #1
1. Jesus has brought these three disciples up in the mountains and what do they see? They see Jesus in all of His glory. Jesus was transfigured which means literally ¡§a Metamorphosis¡¨. His inner glory showed on the outside. This is the only time before Jesus¡¦ death that we will find this happening. What a privilege for these three men! But did you know that if you are a believer, one day you will also see Jesus in all of His glory!
2. Now all of a sudden Moses and Elijah appeared and they were talking with Jesus. What were they talking about? Luke 9:31 says, ¡§They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem.¡¨ They were talking about what Jesus was getting ready to do. It is interesting to notice that God sent Moses and Elijah. Why?
„« Moses represented the Law. It was through Moses that God gave the 10 Commandments and other laws. Moses taught that the Law required a blood sacrifice for sin and Jesus was getting ready to be the sacrifice for the sins of the world.
„« Elijah represented the prophet. Everything God gave these prophets to say pointed to Jesus Christ. The time was coming when the Messiah would pay the price of sin for the world.
3. Notice, that as we see Jesus, Moses, and Elijah there together, we have a symbolic picture of those who will be in Heaven.
„« In I Thessalonians we are told of those who died in Christ. They will be raised first when Jesus comes. Moses is the type of this group. When Moses died, God buried him.
„« Then we are told that when Jesus comes, the living Christians will be caught up without experiencing death. Elijah is a type of this group. Elijah didn¡¦t die. God took him up in a chariot of fire.
Matthew 17:4-5
Discussion #2
1. Now Peter wants to get into the act. He is so moved by seeing the glorified Savior and by seeing Moses and Elijah that he has to add his ¡§two cents¡¨. Have you ever done that? Tried to add to what God¡¦s doing?
Matthew 17:4
2. Here Jesus, Moses, and Elijah are talking about dying, but Peter was just thinking about living and having a good time. There are many like Peter today. Christ is calling us to die to our old selves. He tells us to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Him; but we don¡¦t want to die to self, we want to have a good time. We are not interested in crosses but in comfort and pleasures of life. Jesus didn¡¦t rebuke Peter, but God did.
Matthew 17:5
3. This is what we need to do today! We need to stop listening to the world and listen to what Jesus is telling us. Peter made a mistake. He put Jesus, Moses, and Elijah on the same level. Moses and Elijah were faithful servants of God but they were not perfect. They cannot save us from the torment of hell, but Jesus can. Jesus is our only Savior.
Matthew 17:6-8
Discussion #3
1. When God spoke, these three disciples fell on their faces in fear.
2. When Jesus came and touched them what did Jesus say? ¡§Get up, don¡¦t be afraid¡¨. See Moses and Elijah were gone, but Jesus was still there.
3. No matter how bad your life may be, if you are a child of God, Jesus is still there. As a Christian, the Holy Spirit is always there to lead and to guide you.
1. We must put our trust in Jesus.
2. If you have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus, you don¡¦t have this friend Jesus in your life. Why not today?
3. Christians, as God is working in your life, be quiet and let God lead you. Stop trying to help God. Just be available to Him.
SLIDE 10-17 Invitation Hymn 317 ¡§Only Trust Him¡¨