
Summary: It is the manifestation of the Spirit and power that confirms the word that we speak. The power of God in manifestation made all the difference in the life of the prophets of the Old Testament like Elijah, Elisha, Samson, Gideon, etc. This power was manif

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What is Power? – Dunamis is a Greek word translated as “Power” or “Ability” or “Might”, used relatively, to denote inherent ability, capability, and ability to perform anything.

Why Power?

The kingdom of God is not in words, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of POWER! 1Corinthians 2:4

The Apostle Paul in the above scripture makes it clear that what establishes the kingdom of God in our lives and our community is not just the words but the demonstration of the Spirit and power. It is the manifestation of the Spirit and power that confirms the word that we speak. The power of God in manifestation made all the difference in the life of the prophets of the Old Testament like Elijah, Elisha, Samson, Gideon, etc. This power was manifested in the ministry of Jesus that compelled the crowd to follow him Acts10:38, Lk4:1, 14. Jesus underscores the importance of power in the Christian ministry in Luke 10:17-19; when the disciples came back from one of their training sessions as witnesses. Jesus, at His physical departure from the earth asked the Apostles to tarry in Jerusalem until they be endued with power from on high – Lk24:49, Acts1:8.

To better understand this message; the analogy of Electricity can be used.

A. The source of Electricity – Electric Company or Generator

B. The Carrier – The wire

C. The Receiver – The bulb, Fan, Radio or microphone.

A. The Source

God is the source of all power – Ps62:11, 2Chr25:8. There are three personalities in the God head.

1. The Father 2. The Son. 3. The Holy Spirit

Who in the Trinity is responsible for power manifestation?

1. Creation – Gen. 1: 3, Jn.1:1-3, Heb.1:2-3, Gen.1:2 (rachaph means to brood, to relax, etc)

2. Incarnation – Jn3:16 – God the Father gave the son to be born. Lk2:11 – The Son was born. Lk1:35 – the son was conceived and born through the power of the Holy Spirit.

3. Baptism of Jesus – Mat3:16-17 – Jesus was baptized (the doer), the spirit came on Him (the power) and the Father spoke (the speaker)

4. Redemption – Heb.9:14 – Jesus the son of God offered himself (the doer), through the eternal spirit (the power) to God the father (The receiver – Lk 23:46).

5. Resurrection – Jn.20 (Jesus resurrected and ascended to the Father) Rom 8:11 (How did Jesus rise from the dead – The power of the Holy Spirit).

6. Prayer – Jn16:23, 14:12-14, Rom8:26-27 – We ask in the name of the son (the doer) to the Father (the receiver) through the power of the Holy Spirit (the Power).

In most action of the Godhead, we find that from the scriptures that:

1. The Father always gives or speaks or receives or commands.

2. The Son is always the doer

3. The Holy Spirit is always the power behind the doing.

The Holy Spirit is responsible for every manifestation of power in the bible by the Godhead. He is therefore responsible for the manifestation of power in the life of a Christian. He is the planter of God’s power in us to make us operate in God’s capacity. The Holy Spirit makes a believer the living testimony or witness of God’s word. We are the representatives of Christ on earth. We are to do what Christ did, even more (Jn.14:12).

In Acts6:5 – Stephen was described as a man full of faith and Holy Spirit; while in verse 8 he was described as a man full of faith and power. Notice that the word “Holy Spirit” was interchanged with “power”.

B. The Carrier

Who is the carrier of the power? Lk4:1, 14 show us that Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and carried the power during his earthly ministry. He promised the same power to as many as will receive him into their lives Jn1:12 (KJV), Acts1:5, 8.

There are three level of power that can be received from the Holy Spirit:

1. The power from new birth - Jn1:12, 4:14, 3:5-6.

2. The power from Holy Spirit baptism – Jn7:37-39, Lk24:49, Acts1:8, 19:2.

3. The power from Holy Spirit Anointing. Joel2:23

Please notice that the bible used the word “Well” to describe the new birth experience, “The River” to explain the Baptism of the Spirit and “Rain” to explain the anointing. The well and river is constantly sustained and refreshed by the rain. However if there is no rain the well can dry up and the river level can drastically go down. The Christian needs the constant infilling of the spirit (the anointing). This is what makes the difference.

How do we draw this power from its source?

1. You must be connected to the source – Jn1:12, 3:5-6, Acts19:1-6, 1:8.

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