
Summary: Doubt can be one of the most destructive forces in our spiritual lives, often leading us away from God's promises and plans. In this sermon, we will explore how the enemy uses doubt as a weapon against us and discover the truth that sets us free from its grasp.

>> Opening Bible Verse:

James 1:5-8 (NIV)

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind."

>> Introduction:

Doubt, or Sandegam, is a common human experience characterized by uncertainty and lack of resolution. While it’s natural to question, the enemy uses doubt as a lethal weapon to undermine our faith. In Genesis 3:1-7, we see how the serpent introduced doubt to Eve, leading to the first sin of mankind. The devil does not need to command sin; he simply sows seeds of uncertainty, creating a pathway from certainty to doubt, and ultimately to sin.

>> Examples from Scripture:

John the Baptist experienced doubt during a time of uncertainty in Matthew 11:1-10. Even he, the forerunner of Christ, struggled with faith when faced with imprisonment and doubt about Jesus' identity.

Peter exemplifies the journey from trust to doubt. Initially, he left his fishing nets to follow Jesus (Matthew 4:18–22). However, when he walked on water, his focus shifted from Jesus to the wind, resulting in doubt and fear.

>> The Solution to Doubt:

1) Even Jesus faced temptation and doubt during His own testing in Matthew 4:1-11. Each time, He countered the enemy's lies with truth. The key to overcoming doubt lies in knowing the truth.

2) Jesus welcomed questions and uncertainties, showing that doubt does not have to lead to sin. It’s a process that may take time, but ultimately, knowing the truth will set us free (John 8:32).

3) As we navigate our struggles with doubt, let us remember to ask God for wisdom, believe in His promises, and focus on the truth of His Word.

>> Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we come before You with our doubts and uncertainties. Help us to seek Your wisdom and to trust in Your truth. Strengthen our faith, that we may stand firm against the enemy’s tactics. Amen.

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