



No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

A certain boxer went to the ring for boxing championship . He had left his wife behind who watched the game on TV. I believed she was a bit nervous just before the bout, that is normal, as it would have happened to us too. During the entire challenging bout I believe she tried to cheer up her husband through the television as he triumphed over his opponent. But the climax of it all came when the husband to the lady knocked down his opponent in the third round. There were ululations allover as the seemingly weaker side had boxed out the one who seemed to all to have had all the advantages. Then the crowning part came and the champion was given the medal and the crown of flowers. His wife couldn’t resist the joy.

On arrival home, the boxer is welcomed by his jovial wife. The excitement continues and to the amazement of everyone, the champion removes his medal and the crown of flowers, then he crowns his wife with them. They sit down to address a press conference as the wife is adorned with the medal and the flowers. Now, dear reader, do you think the wife deserved the medal and the flowers? For I believe, she was indoors every time the husband was in the gymnasium practicing. Its true that she continued snoring in bed when the husband was early awake for exercise. She enjoyed the best meals which the husband had to avoid for the sake of his career. She never went to the court to cheer up her pal in the game leave alone stepping in the ring for a bout, yet she was crowned for a battle she had never fought! Would she have withstood the thumps and the blows which her husband blocked out? Truly, she would have been knocked out by her own knees even before the first whistle!

The above illustration depicts what happened to us through Christ Jesus. Through his love, he left all the heavenly beauty and glory for our sake. He came and suffered heavily on earth for our sake. He was pierced, abused, and men spat on him for our sake. Imagine, he died for us, he took all our pain and suffering up on Calvary. He took our death instead. After all what he went through, he has given us the victory hence making us more than conquerors. He took the crown of glory and gave it to us. We are now the bride and soon and very soon, He’s coming to take us so that we can reign with Him in paradise.

Therefore, let no one despise you for you are more precious before God. Imagine, God sacrificed Jesus just for your sake, so that you may have eternal life. We should thence walk with our shoulders high, not with pride, but for knowing our position in the kingdom of God. He has promised to ‘be with you always’ and above all He ‘shall never leave you nor forsake you’, which is a promise we can always claim whenever we need his intervention. Remember that the Lord Jesus knocked-out the devil for you so that you can knock-out the devil to hell! Humiliate the devil completely. Hit the devil before he confronts you. Believe it, be the first to throw the first punch and never be on the defensive side but keep it offensive always.

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