
Summary: There are many roles of service for persons within the body of Christ. Today, we are focusing on our Ushers and Nurses. Ushers play an important role in our church.

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I recognize and look forward with great anticipation to our celebration this afternoon of our Ushers and Nurses Ministry of this Church. However; I don’t want to miss out on the opportunity as the Pastor to share my appreciation and love for the Ushers and Nurses of this great Church. There are many roles of service for persons within the body of Christ. Today, we are focusing on our Ushers and Nurses. Ushers play an important role in our church. Let’s take time this morning to thank the Lord for their service, it is our desire that you will see that their work is truly for the Lord, Jesus Christ and His church. So Ushers and Nurses, we celebrate you all day today.

Throughout the Scriptures we can find ushers called by various titles –

• Watchmen - II SAMUEL 18:24-27

• Porters - I CHRONICLES 9:17-18

• Doorkeepers - I CHRONICLES 5:2-23

• According to 1 CHRONICLES 15:23 - BERECHIAH and ELKANAH were to be Gatekeepers for the Ark of the Covenant

• OBED-EDOM and JEHIAH also were Gatekeepers of the Ark

• The term Doorkeeper lasted for centuries

• Today Doorkeepers are called and understood to be Church Ushers

So the word USHER is referred to in the Bible as a GATEKEEPER - DOORKEEPER - or simply a KEEPER. The word is derived from USH, meaning “To Enter Into.” The usher had many duties in biblical times –

• Keeper of the city gates

• Announcer of dignitaries

• They went before high-ranking people to clear their way

• They directed individuals to their proper place

• They were in charge of who to admit or permit into the building

• They were the ones who made it possible for the speaker to be heard (not allowing disruptions in the room)

In the embodiment of ushering, the usher has to reflect the gifts of the Spirit in his or her demeanor and actions.

• The joy of the Lord must be present, and there needs to be a love and reassurance that comes forth in sincerity and care

• The usher must also use the proper discernment and wisdom to keep the peace and have the proper response to know what to do in emergency situations

• Ushers need to be sensitive to the needs of the people and dedicated to the tasks at hand with a positive attitude and to be a testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ

Let’s examine our text briefly this morning to see what we can learn about the importance and value of the Doorkeepers. The historical background is -- King David prepares to bring the ARK OF THE COVENANT BACK INTO JERUSALEM, something shocking occurs. The Israelites were transporting the ark on a cart driven by oxen because that’s how they saw the Philistines do it. The problem was God commanded them to have the priests carry it on poles.

• When the ox stumbled, the Ark gets tipsy

• A guy named UZZAH nearby braces it with his hand and God strikes him dead

• This angers David

• Needless to say, David didn’t want the Ark near him anymore

• He responded based on his emotions

• Can I tell you when we respond based on our emotions instead of understanding what God is telling and teaching us we will suffer adversely every time

• We must take great care to harness our emotions


So what does David do? He instructs an unknown priest named Obed-Edom, who lives 10 miles outside the city, to take the Ark into his home. And the Ark, which just cost a man his life for touching it, is moved into Obed-Edom’s living room for 3 months.

• I know how hard it is to make my grandchildren not touch the remote or the electrical socket, or don’t touch something I put down for a moment

• Can you imagine trying to convince them not to put their little hands on the big shiny thing in the middle of the room?

As a few months went by, David heard God was blessing Obed-edom, and so he decided to bring the ark back to Jerusalem, but now, he would do it obeying God’s instructions.

• If we just follow God’s Instructions – Life would not be so difficult

• If we just follow God’s Instructions – Churches would be full again

• If we just follow God’s Instructions – We would truly love one another

• If we just follow God’s Instructions – And Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth

• If we just follow God’s Instructions – It is all recorded in ‘The Book’

David brings the ark into the city with much rejoicing and dancing and the presence of God is symbolically back in the center of God’s people where it rightfully belongs.

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