
Summary: Intro.: 1.


1. Moses thought he was all washed up!

a. His situation:

1) 80 yr. old has-been, fugitive from law, sheep-herder of others.

2) Once he had it real good (son of Pharaoh's daughter).

3) Not much to look forward to (pension from Egypt. civil service).

b. Moses thru with Moses, but God wasn't thru with Moses!!!

1) Life to this point a preparation!

2) And here was God in a burning bush calling Moses to action.

2. It's no wonder Moses was a little reluctant.

a. You would have been too!

b. POINT: If we let him, God can use us no matter what age we are!


A. Has not always been the case (cf. Israel).

1. Older folks greatly respected (Lev. 19:32).

a. Reflected in Joseph's honoring Jacob's request (G. 47:28-31).

b. Reflected in NT teaching (1 Tim. 5:1-2).

2. Concept of "elder" derives from Israel's respect for age.

B. While Israel used their elderly, our society sets them aside.

1. We have "set ages" at which time things are supposed to happen:

a. 30--Still young, but better start thinking about retirement.

b. 50--Over the hill; make nursing home reservations now.

c. 65--Quit job (if haven't); buy plot--crawling in soon!

2. We want to call this type of thinking into question this A.M.

C. POINT: "You're not getting older, you're getting better!"

1. Unfortunately the elderly buy into society's premise. WRONG!

a. Birthdays poorest evidence of our age (body).

b. Age is best determined by our frame of mind!

2. Illust . Man who reached 100. Reporters asked, "To what do you att. your long life?" Reply: "Lived clean life--no drink, no

smoke/chew, ate well, went to bed early ..." About that time a HUGE commotion in other room. "What's that?" "Oh," replied the centenarian, "that's just my father coming back from partying all night."

3. Why do some "put on their slippers too soon?"


A. Physical Reasons.

1. The body will wear out eventually.

2. Elderly must take special care of their bodies:

a. Get right vitamins and exercise.

b. Frequent physical examinations.

c. Strictly obey the advice of physicians.

3. Just because the body is old doesn't mean WE have to get old!

B. Emotional Reasons.

1. As the body ages some choose to let their minds age also.

a. Serious condition ....... "psycho-sclerosis" (hard. mind).

b. People age in mind because can't do what once could.

2. Prominent Symptom: Talking about their age alot.

a. "You know, when I was your age ..."

b. "A person my age can't be too careful ..."

c. "Those young people think they know everything!"

3. If you talk about it long enough and often enough you can talk yourself into a lot of premature aging!

C. More than anything the LOSS that comes w/ age ages us emotionally.

1. Elderly experience rapid loss (job, home, independence ...").

2. Life is a series of losses--"little deaths."

a. Examples:

1) Birth ...... loss of warm, safe environment.

2) College .... loss of a home.

3) Marriage ... loss of a family.

4) Job change, moving, death of loved ones, natural disaster.

b. Why should losses after 65 be faced any differently?

1) Attitude in facing earlier losses sets the stage.

2) "Grant me the grace to die each death, each less painful than the last, until at length I die with joy" A. Goudy.

3. Can't control circum.--can control how we react (Phil. 4:13).


A. If age is more a state of mind then we need to maintain the HEALTHY attitudes of youth.

1. Some youthful attitudes NOT healthy:

a. Rebelliousness, independence, irreverence.

b. Desire to do forbidden things.

2. But some ARE good!

a. Open-mindedness. [ Why does God give

b. Inquisitiveness. us children? ]

c. Sense of adventure.

3. Maintaining the healthy attitudes of youth will make the diff. between GROWING OLD and GROWING OLD GRACEFULLY.

B. Age is a state of mind.

1. Youthful spirit will affect body more than we'll ever know (replay "Coccoon").

2. May retire from job .... DO NOT RETIRE FROM LIFE!

3. SOLUTION: Find something in life larger than yourself.

a. Key to happiness at any age!

b. For Christian this should not be a hard thing to do.


1. Someone has said: "Age is a quality of the mind. If you have left your dreams behind, if hope is cold, if you no longer look ahead, if your ambition's fires are dead ...... THEN YOU ARE OLD!" 2. 2 Cor. 4:16-5:1.

(Note: Both the title and much of the outline was derived from a lesson heard in Memphis, TN in the early 1980's. Original preacher known but to God!)

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