
Summary: This sermon is specially for the people who are always become Satan's victims and always been mislead because of the false assurance of our great enemy SATAN

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Title: Don’t Believe the HYPE


A blessed morning to everyone!

I am so honored to speak and to preach the word of God this day. I hope you too are honored to hear the word of God this morning. The topic that I was prepared for this day is entitled… “DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE”. What is Hype? Hype, according to, hype means misleading, misinformation or half-truths. So when we say don’t believe the hype means believe not on half-truths and misinformation.

We all know that the enemy comes to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10); also that he is the father of all lies; according to the bible he is the vicar of all lies.

However, though all of us here are aware of Satan’s attributes, he can still deceived us. Sometimes, we tend to be Satan’s victim all over and over again. Let me share to you three major lies of Satan that I believe we experienced much more when we are experiencing God’s greatness upon our lives.

The first lie of Satan…

I can give you what you want. When you read the Gospel of Luke chapter 4 verses 1 to 13, it all talks about the temptation of Jesus Christ in the wilderness. As we look upon the verses written on the book of Luke chapter 4 Satan tempted Jesus 3 times.

First, he suggests making the stone into bread. Why? Actually, when you paraphrase that, it goes like this… “If you are the Son of God” this is not a suggestion but an affirmation. It literally means “since you are” or “in view of the fact that you are the Son of God.” The first temptation would be no temptation at all if Jesus were not indeed the Son of God. The devil is well aware that God exists and I don’t think that he applies a great deal of effort trying to discourage us from a belief in God. His basic strategy is to persuade us believing that God can’t be trusted. It means, if Jesus make the stones into bread, Jesus has no longer authority over the enemy because He was the one who ruled by the enemy’s dominion

Second, he offered the riches and glory of the world. This temptation was actually experienced by many. Satan told Jesus that he will give the domains and riches of the world. In our present times what are these riches, domains and glory? These are the material things that we posses (gadgets, laptops, cell phones, what else?), Fame! According to Ms. Ermalee we are all craving for fame. He wants us to believe that we need all this things that we want.

Third, he offered false truth. As we read verses 9-11 of chapter 4 this was the first time that Satan used scripture from the word of God. Satan quoted, Psalm 91:11-12 "For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone" this prophecy is not concerning Christ, but any holy man; therefore the devil wrongly interpreted Scripture; and that had he certainly known, that this is written concerning the Savior. What Satan wants to convey? That since Jesus Christ was the Son of God; His Father will protect Him for all harm. The devil tries to impose that since Psalm 91:11-12 told us about Gods protection we must listen to him.

What is the Truth behind all these lies? If we would look at all those things that Satan’s offered, it was all good, but what will be the reason for Jesus to ignore all of those?

First, this temptation may have been an appeal for Jesus to do a work of messianic significance. Probably, His temptation may have been to satisfy His own need and gratify Himself. The issue therefore, is not one of appeal to change His supremacy but a challenge to act apart from faithful dependence on God. Man shall not live on bread alone. He will not leave You nor forsake You. That’s the promise.

Second, the messiah would one day rule over the entire world, possessing all “Authority and Splendor.” To worship devil in order to recapture the world is not needed; because Jesus posses all things in this world because He is the creator. However, Jesus response to the enemy “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” And we, as His sons and daughters, just have faith that Jesus overcomes the world, no reason to worry.

Third, though Satan tends to use the word of God, Jesus the Son of God knows the right interpretation of it. So we as Christians for us to avoid deception of the devil know the word of your Father. Yes, Satan can use many words that comes from the word of God but you must know the intend meaning of the passage for you to know the real message of God almighty.

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