
Summary: This is the 116th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 18th sermon from 2 Corinthians.

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Series: Action [#116]


2 Corinthians 11:1-15


I have performed many weddings through the years, including some for family members; but the toughest thing I have ever done was to give Kaitlyn away. This June, I had the honor of performing Zant and Kaitlyn’s Wedding. I had talked with them several times; and I had prepared for that Wedding more than usual. On the day of her Wedding, I was busy helping set up and preparing for the Reception; but I had no idea to what awaited me.

The Wedding was running late, (which is not unusual). It was finally time to get started. The men got into their places, then the women started going down the aisle, and then the flower girl started walking down; and I knew we were next. As I look at my Dad waiting for us to walk down the aisle; we begin our walk and a flood of emotions hit me. Although, I had told everyone I would not cry; I felt like someone punched me in the gut. Why? It is a great honor for a Father to present his Daughter to her Husband. She looked so beautiful and I wanted to present her to Zant in all of her beauty.

The Bible tells us that the Church (all Christians) are the Bride of Christ. The Church needs to be presented to Jesus as a perfect Bride. How does that happen?

The Bride of Christ must be…

1. Pure.

We see an example of what every Pastor should be. Paul had a godly jealousness for the Church. He wanted these Christians to be presented as pure before Christ; but there were some things hindering their purity. Pastors should be concerned about the spiritual condition of the Church. In fact, Pastors should be jealous of the Church and not let the enemy mess it up. What could mess it up? Paul gives us some dangers.

2 Corinthians 11:1-3

The danger…

* That they would be led astray.

Paul had already talked about this in the previous chapter: “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

What does Satan use to draw people away from Jesus? False teaching. Lies about God. It’s what Satan used in the Garden of Eden, and it’s what he continues to use today. Notice what Paul says about the serpent- He is cunning. He’s very good at getting us to believe things that are false about God. He’s good at getting us to believe half-truths and lies.

2 Corinthians 11:4

The danger…

* That we’ll be led astray because of certain people.

This is serious. They were receiving another Jesus, a different spirit, and a different gospel. The message that Paul preached was simple- Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead. The Spirit is given to all who believe. We can receive the Gospel through repentance and faith. Paul called those that were leading them astray super apostles. The greatest danger to the Church is false teachers and false prophets.

These false prophets made 2 accusations against Paul.

2 Corinthians 11:5-6

They accused that…

* Paul was an inferior public speaker.

Image matters, and Paul didn’t have the image. Paul didn’t measure up. He wasn’t some fancy, eloquent speaker.

2 Corinthians 11:7-11

They accused that…

* Paul never made enough money as a Preacher.

Paul accepted money from other Churches so he could continue his ministry; but he also worked with his hands. He wouldn’t let money get in the way of spreading the Gospel. The fact that Paul worked with his hands was enough for the Spiritual Elite to hate him. The same views are around today, and we need to stay on guard. This is false Christianity.

2 Corinthians 11:12-15

The Bride of Christ must be…

2. Active.

Paul said that he was going to keep doing what he was doing, so that the enemy would be pulled down. How do we do that?


* Hold on to Jesus.

As the Bride of Christ, make your life all about Him. The Church must be focused on Jesus. Hold on to Jesus.


* Should guard against false teaching.

No other Jesus, no other spirit, no other gospel. There are too many Christians that see false teaching as no big deal. False teaching is a cancer that will destroy a Church. Be on guard against false teachings- Including, in this case, teachings that say that the Christian life helps us avoid suffering. After all, we’re called to suffer. We’re called to follow a Savior who suffered for us.

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