
Summary: This is the 100th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 2nd sermon from 2 Corinthians.

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Series: Action [#100]


2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4


Have you ever been part of a controversy? If you have children, spouse, siblings, a job, a Church, anything with people in it, etc…; you have controversy. Our text this morning tells us about some controversy that Paul had to deal with. Paul had spent 18 months in Corinth starting and establishing a Church. After he left, there was a group of people that questioned Paul’s leadership and began to cause trouble. They were saying that he was a fake and was just trying to use the Church for his personal gain. These trouble makers succeeded in turning most of the Church against him. The interesting part of this is what they used to show how evil Paul was. Their main complaint was that Paul couldn’t be trusted because he had changed his travel plans- Not once but twice. He hadn’t come back to visit the Corinthians as he said he would. That proved he was a fickle man whose character and message could not be trusted.

We need to realize that this huge problem started over something very small. That’s how most controversies start. I have said to many couples throughout the years, it’s not the big things that will hurt their relationship, it’s the little things. I have learned that I can do just about anything I want to around the house; but I better not hang the toilet paper off the dispenser the wrong direction. If I want to agitate Karen, I do it with little things like that. We sit down and handle the big stuff together with no problems.

I want you to see some of the signs that controversy is brewing so that you can quickly combat it. Controversies left to itself can become like a small fire that can quickly grow and destroy many things.

2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4

1. The signs of controversy.

A sign that controversy is brewing is…

* Your actions are questioned.

Paul’s original plan was to go to Macedonia and then to Corinth. Once he arrived in Corinth, he was going to spend the winter with them. He wanted his visit to be a longer visit so that he could minister to them and help them; but that trip never happened. Later on, he decided that he would go to Corinth 1st; then go to Macedonia; and then return to Corinth again. That’s what he was talking about in verse 15. He finally decided to postpone the trip. Why all of the changes? That’s not what Paul would normally do.

2 Corinthians 2:1

What’s going on? That question is hard to answer because we don’t have all the details about this situation; but we know this much- Paul’s enemies were using his change of plans to attack his credibility. They were saying things like, “What kind of an apostle is he? He can’t even show up like he says he will. He says 1 thing but does a different.” I do have to say that I could see how this could be a problem because we are to keep our word.

A sign that controversy is brewing is…

* Your words are twisted.

Paul didn’t try to hide his change of plans. It’s true that he had changed his mind several times; but his concern wasn’t their opinion, it was their welfare.

2 Corinthians 1:24

He only wanted to go there if he was going to be able to minister to them and help them. His enemies took a few words about his not coming and twisted them to make it sound like he was fickle.

A sign that controversy is brewing is…

* Your motives will be challenged.

His enemies painted him as one who was a liar and 1 that didn’t really care about them. What they were really doing was assuming that his not coming showed his motive- A selfish motive. It’s really easy to think that you know what someone’s motives are; but there is no way to know what’s really in their heart.

2. How to respond to controversy.

You must realize that there are going to be misunderstandings even amongst the closest of friends. Paul loved them very much; but there was still a problem.

When you respond…

* Use honest, clear, and non-defensive words.

Paul tells them that it was difficult to send this letter, because he loved them and didn’t want them to get hurt. When you respond to controversy, you have to understand that you can’t control how people respond to you. You need to be honest with them in the least amount of words possible; because the more you talk, the more they will manipulate your words. There are some who are just trying to get you.

The reason you’re going to be honest and non-defensive is because that’s what God demands of us. Paul tells them that his conscience is clear because he had not hid anything from them or tried to hide anything from them. It’s the Holy Spirit of God living in us that gives us direction and it is God that we will answer to. Remember, it’s not man that we have to please; it’s God. Don’t “sugar coat” things just to “smooth things over”. It is God who makes us stand firm in Christ.

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