
Summary: When we are at work, we know what is important and what not. Sometimes we make a list and set it up in priority. We typically don't do the least important things first. God has a list for us. We need to make sure we are doing the important things.

If we could say that a certain group or part of the membership of Fundamental Baptist Church is carrying on the work that Jesus called us to do, it would have to be this group. The Wednesday night crowd many times come to church when they have worked all day long. You are tired. You are worn out. Many of you will have to get up and go to work tomorrow. Church is important to you and that is why you are here tonight. I commend you for that.

1. We would all agree that God’s work is the greatest work on earth.

2. All of us know, we are here to be about our Heavenly Father’s business. He has given us all a purpose.

3. Even though we are here faithfully serving God tonight. The battle is still going on.

a. Satan is constantly diverting our attention to “Lesser” things.

b. When we get caught in that trap, God’s work is undone.

4. The position is filled, but sometimes the product is failed.

5. Let’s look at three things in this passage of scripture that can encourage us to not get stuck doing lesser things.

I. The Call or Commission for Both was the Same

1. God is no respecter of persons. There are no big or small jobs in the work of the Lord. All are important.

2. Let’s look at the call one word at a time. Five words, Son, go, work, today, in my vineyards.

3. Son describes the basis of Christian service.

a. The call came as a Father to his sons.

1) We don’t serve to be saved. We serve because we have been saved. We are the sons of God.

2) How many times do the bible refer to, “not by works.”

b. Our service is a heart matter.

1) 1 Corinthians 3:12-15

2) 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

c. Only sons of God can do the work. It is never the lost.

1) Matthew 7:21

2) I never knew you.

d. The Father sees the need more than the sons.

1) John 4:35

2) Matthew 9:36

4. Go, describes the authority of Christian service.

a. The go is from God. All authority we need.

1) When asked what are you doing here, “God sent me.”

2) Matthew 28:19-20

b. God does not have any lazy commands. It is always, Go.

1) Psalm 126:6, Acts 8:26, 9:11

2) John 15:16, Luke 14:21

c. Those that Go, get.

5. Work describes the nature of Christian service.

a. 2 Corinthians 6:1

b. James 2:17

6. Today, describes the time of Christian service.

a. John 9:4

b. Proverbs 27:1, 10:5

7. Vineyard describes the place of Christian service.

a. The vineyard, home, job, school.

b. Matthew 20:6-7, a personal command.

II. The Conflict

1. Every time the Christians say, “I will Lord.” Satan says, “I will also.”

a. 1 Peter 5:8

b. Job

2. Satan is out to defeat you as a Christian today.

a. What if you received a note telling of someone out to destroy you.

1) You would be on guard.

2) John 10:10

b. Ephesians 6:11-12

3. Jesus knows where we need to be strong, faith.

a. Luke 22:31-32

b. If our faith goes, so does our joy, happiness, peace, love, power.

4. Now consider the two sons.

a. The one purposes to go and did not. What happened?

b. He did not lie on purpose.

c. He found doing more difficult than saying.

d. The other son said he would not go but did.

1) What made him say no to Christ?

2) He is not his own. His Father has the right to ask Him to work. 1 Corinthians 6:20

e. What made his change his mind?

1) Have we ever changed our mind? Yes.

2) God has a way of making us willing to go.

III. At the End of Life, What Counts, Saying or Doing?

1. There has always been two ways, two responses.

a. Two classes of people: saved and lost.

b. Two types of servants, helping or hindering.

2. There are two ways to respond to God’s call today.

a. Say you will and not go.

b. Say no and then go.

3. There are two ways God may respond to you.

a. He may remove you. Mark 11:21, 1 Corinthians 9:27

b. He may leave you alone until Heaven, then show you what you missed by not serving.

4. Let’s examine our call tonight and not be caught doing lesser things.

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