
Summary: A close look at at Mary and what we can Learn from her as she anointed Jesus.

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Doing all you know too do.

Mark 14:1-9

One of the most impressive commendations our Lord ever made about a person is found in verse 8 regarding Mary of Bethany (Martha’s sister): "She hath done what she could." There was nothing more that she could have done! Could the Lord make this statement of me or you?

People find all sorts of EXCUSES for not doing what they could do.

A neighbor asked a farmer if he could borrow his plow. The farmer said, “I’m sorry, but my wife is combing her hair with it.” The neighbor was confused and asked, “How does she do that?” The farmer answered, “Well, she’s not really combing her hair with it, but when you don’t want to do something, any excuse will do.”

After a physical examination, a man said, "Tell me in plain language, Doc, what’s really the matter with me?" "Do you want it straight? "Yes." "Well, there isn’t a thing wrong with you except that you’re just plain lazy!" "Okay," drawled the listless patient, "now give me the medical excuse for it so I can tell my boss!"

God never holds you responsible for what you cannot do. God is not unrea­sonable. He asks for “your reasonable service”

Rom 12:1

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

“I am only one, but I am one; I cannot do everything, but I can do something. That which I can do, I ought to do, and what I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do!”

Notice what it doesn’t say about this woman.

She didn’t walk on water.

She didn’t raise the dead.

She didn’t heal the sick.

She didn’t build a temple.

She just "did what she could" - Amen!!!

· “I can’t give a million dollars, but I can tithe.”

· “I can’t sing like The greens but I can make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”

· “I can’t paint a picture like Thomas Kincade, but I can help clean the church.”

· “I can’t preach like The Pastor but I can invite people to church.”

· “I can’t win souls like Billy Graham but I can pass out tracts.”

· “I can’t write a commentary like Matthew henry but I can write a letter to tell someone my testimony.”

James 4:17 "…to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."


#1 She was FAMILIAR with the SITUATION. Mary was always at Jesus’ feet, soaking up everything He had to say. Question why.........

A. She sensed the pressure - Enemies were plotting Jesus death (v. 1).

B. She knew the prospects - She knew He was about to be crucified as He foretold (v. 8).

The disciples missed it! They thought Jesus was about to set up His kingdom.

1. Do you sense “the times and the seasons?”

2. The situation today is crucial.

· The enemies of Christ are active. It won’t get any easier to serve Jesus (v. 6).

· Are you living in anticipation of the imminent coming of Christ?

#2 She was FORWARD in her SERVICE.

A. It was expedient . She saw a window of opportunity (vs. 4-7).

1. She did not delay or hestitate. She had to act NOW or she might not have another chance to show Jesus how much she loved Him!

2. The poor will always be present for believers to help, but opportunities to serve Jesus come and go. Once they are gone you may never have another chance (John 9:4; Eph. 5:16).

B. It was EVIDENT. She let her hair down. What does the Bible say a woman’s hair represents? HER GLORY. She laid her glory at Jesus feet.

C. It was EXCEPTIONAL (V. 4).

The criticism was not about the act itself, since it was a common practice to anoint a guest. The disciples felt a cheaper oil should have been used for the anointing, and the more expensive oil should have been sold and the money given to the poor. There will always be someone who will question any true sacrifice you make for the Lord. ILLUS: A Christians sacrifice to be a missionary.


#3 She was FAITHFUL with her SUBSTANCE (v. 3).

A. She gave the best— She didn’t give the Lord her leftovers.

1. When you reserve the best for yourself, you are saying, “I deserve better than Jesus.”

Give Christ the best of your years.

Give Christ the best of your talents.

2. It was expensive (“very precious”). A year’s wages.

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