
Summary: Jesus needs our help! Just as the disciples were needed to begin Jesus’ ministry, we are needed to continue in the kingdom-building process.

“Does Jesus Need Our Help” ~ Mark 1:14-20

January 26, 2003

Purpose: Jesus needs our help!

Introduction – Why did Jesus call these disciples in the first place?

Wasn’t he the Son of God? Why did he need these simple fishermen?

And if he needed them, why didn’t he choose someone else….someone with more

status…someone with more clout…someone with position and power?

Jesus’ simple message of “repent and believe” didn’t need these disciples, or did it?

And if that simple message needed their help, does Jesus need our help in sharing that

same message today?

This is what we’re going to spend these next few moments on this morning.

Will you join me in prayer…

Does Jesus need our help? I was amazed that as I looked through my commentaries and the many books on my shelves, I couldn’t find any author willing to approach these verses asking that question. Which tells me one of three things?

1. It doesn’t matter…it’s not important enough to be discussed.

2. I’ve discovered something new and when I become published, I’m going to be rich!

3. Maybe the Spirit led me here for a particular purpose, for this particular time.

I tend to believe the latter. Just like the star quarterback who needs his front line in order to make the big plays, I’m convinced that not only did Jesus need help in his day, but that he asked for it then, and he’s asking for it now.

So, we’re going to look at this set of verses this morning looking for what the Spirit has to say to us. Are you with me?

Question #1 - Did Jesus need any help?

First, in looking at any good history lesson, we need to look at the characters.

First, we have Simon, whom we’ll eventually know as Peter. What do we know of Peter?

It was Peter who uttered those memorable words when Jesus asked his disciples if they

would also desert him, “Lord, to whom can we go? We have come to believe and

know that you are the Holy One of God.” (john 6:67-69)

It was of Peter who responded to Jesus’ question of “who do they say I am” with “Lord,

you are the Messiah, the Christ.” It was such a good answer that Jesus responded by saying, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18). No longer a “man of a reed” which is what Simon means, Jesus now calls this man Peter which means “the rock.” The rock on which the foundation of the church would begin.

Wasn’t it Peter who tried to dissuade Jesus from going to Jerusalem because of fear for

Jesus’ safety. In front of the whole group of disciples, Peter was chastised with

those haunting words, “Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block to me…”

(Matthew 16:23)

It was in Peter’s denial and Jesus’ subsequent forgiveness that we find hope when we fail.

Peter was the first disciple to enter the tomb.

He was the one who suggested another disciple to replace Judas.

Peter preached the first Christian sermon following Pentecost.

It was Peter who, along with John, healed the lame man at the gate by saying, “Silver and

gold have I none, but such as I have, I give to thee…” (Acts 3:1-11)

It was Peter who traveled to Samaria and preached the gospel.

It was Peter who dealt with the false ministry of Simon Magus, the false magician.

(Acts 8:14-24)

It was Peter who dealt with the duplicity of Anania and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11)

We cannot doubt that Peter was a leader, and Jesus needed his help in the ministry that was ahead.

And we say the same of the others….

Andrew, known as the introducer or the invitier, found it easy to bring people all people, stranger and family alike, into the presence of this Jesus.

And then there were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who always seemed to be linked together. Where one was so was the other. Jesus once called these brothers the “sons of thunder” (Mark 3:17) because of their strong emotions, and it was James who was the first of the twelve to be killed for his faith, who had a straight-forward approach to the gospel recorded in his book in Scripture.

And it was John, who from the island of Patmos, wrote what we call Revelation, but also other letters to the churches for their encouragement.

And we could list the disciples one-by-one, but here we have these two sets of brothers, and their stories…these hardworking, blue-collar (if any collar) people that Jesus eventually used to building his kingdom. Did Jesus need them? I think he did.

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