
Summary: Knowing someone and being a friend to someone are not the same.

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What sort of companion or friend am I? There is a tremendous contrast between knowing somebody well and being a genuine friend. The best proof of certifiable friendship is steadfast loyalty. Our friendship with others should not lessen due to unforeseen circumstances. There is no one but Christ who merits unconditional friendship, but we should strive to be as Christ would have us to be.

1 Corinthians 13:7, Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Being an individual that is accessible to help in the midst of pain and/or individual battles. Such a large number of individuals are vacillating, part-time, wavering, indecisive, or fair-weather companions. The ones that stick around you when they obtain help from, and they receive benefits from the friendship and then they avoid you when they feel that they are not getting anything from the friendship kinship. We need to think about our companions and survey our faithfulness to them. We should be the sort of friend that is true and faithful that the Bible empowers.

Proverbs 18:24, A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Forlornness or loneliness is widespread. Many individuals today feel cut off and estranged from others. Being in a group simply makes some individuals more mindful of their disengagement and their own isolation. These lonely individuals should not have to hear "Have a pleasant day". They need companions who will stick close, tune in, care, and provide help when it is required, no matter what circumstances or challenges they may face. What is better to have, one true companion or many shallow and superficial colleagues? Rather than wishing that we could discover a genuine friend, we should try to become one.

There are individuals who need our true friendship, so we ought to request that God uncover them to us, and afterward step up and become that true and genuine companion. If we want to have faithful friends in this life, then we ought to present ourselves friendly.

John 15:14, Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

John 14:15, If ye love me, keep my commandments.

There is an old red back church hymnal song, “I’ll Be a Friend to Jesus.”

“They tried my Lord and Master, with no one to defend;

within the halls of Pilate, He stood without a friend…

I’ll be a friend to Jesus, my life for Him I’ll spend;

I’ll be a friend to Jesus, until my years shall end.”

There is another old red back church hymnal song, “I Love the Lord, Down in My Heart.”

“I love the blessed Savior divine; He brightens up this pathway of mine,

From His dear side I’ll never depart;

I’ll follow wheresoever He leads, my soul each day He tenderly feeds,

I love the Lord deep down in my heart...

I love the Lord deep down in my heart,

no earthly change can cause us to part;

I’ve been made a child with a homeward start,

I love the Lord deep down in my heart.”

Are we truly friends with the Lord? Do we really love the Lord like we say we do? Do we do as He says and do what He says to do? If we say we are a friend of Jesus, then we should be. If we are not obeying Him, then maybe we are not a faithful friend? Jesus states when questioned, that the greatest commandment in the Law was to “love thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind…and the second is this, love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matthew 22:36-40; Galatians 5:14).

Jesus is saying that if we really love God and our neighbor, we will want to keep the commandments. This is taking a positive look at God's law. Instead of stressing over all that we ought not do, we should focus on all that we can do to show our affection for God and others.

When we are not inspired by love and affection, we become disparaging of others. We quit searching for the goodness in them and we begin to only see just their faults. Before long, the unity of the congregation and the church, and that of believers is broken. Have we become guilty of only seeing the inadequacies or faults in others rather than their qualities?

Matthew 7:12, Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

This is what is commonly known as the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Luke 6:31. It is not difficult to avoid hurting others; it is harder to step up in doing something that benefits them. The Golden Rule as Jesus established is the basis of mercy and goodness that is active in its function, the type that God shows to us every single day.

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