
Do You Love Me?

Premium Sermon
Created by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
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The sermon explores how, despite our failures and disappointments, the resurrection of Jesus offers a chance for redemption and restoration, symbolized by Jesus' question to Peter, "Do you love me?"

Do You Love Me?

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Big Idea

We can only imagine how Peter must have felt as the final days of Jesus’ life unfolded: devastated that his friend had been killed on a cross, disappointed that Judas had turned his back, heartbroken that Rome had seemingly won. But perhaps Peter was most saddened that he had denied Jesus three times when Jesus needed him most. We all know the pain of discouragement that comes by our own foolish choices, as well as the discouragement of things outside our control. The story of the resurrection shows that there is no disappointment that the resurrected Jesus cannot overcome. Peter is given the chance to restore relationship with the Savior with one simple question, “Do you love me?” Jesus asks us the same question as well. Resurrection hope comes from knowing that Jesus is faithful even when we are not. Jesus loves us back to wholeness. Do you love Him?

Resurrection hope comes from knowing that Jesus is faithful even when we are not. Jesus loves us back to wholeness.


Welcome back to worship this morning. What an honor it is to gather together once again in light of the resurrection life offered to us in Christ. Last week was Easter Sunday, and we had a wonderful celebration of Jesus’ victory over death. Last week we also began a new sermon series called Resurrecting Hope. Life’s greatest challenges are best faced when we have the hope of Jesus’ power and presence living within us.

Mary’s journey to the tomb on that first Easter morning was met with surprise as she did not find Jesus’ lifeless body, but instead, she saw Him face-to-face alive and well. His resurrection filled her with hope once again and changed everything. Following Mary’s encounter with Christ, there were others who saw Him as well, and today we discover that the love of Jesus can restore our hope even after great disappointment.

Main Teaching

The story of Jesus’ resurrection speaks to these challenges in life as well. As Jesus was being arrested and crucified, almost all of His closest friends deserted Him. In fearing for their own lives, they turned their backs on Him.

We are told of one disciple, named Peter, who betrays Jesus by denying that he even knows who He is. After three years of ministry alongside Jesus, Peter carelessly refuses to remain loyal and he denies connection to Christ. Three different times Peter is questioned about his connection; each time he distances himself.

This morning, in this room, there are more than likely many of us who can think back over the past weeks, months, or years and point to thoughts, words, or actions that hurt the heart of God, and the hearts of those around you ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium

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