
Summary: Seeking your calling from God!!

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Phillipians 3:8 - 12

Tonight the greatest thing that could happen

to us as Christians, is to be Heavenly Minded!!! AMEN

If we are gonna be heavenly minded we have to live every part of our lives with the goal of entering into heaven with the completed purpose that God has called us to do!!!!AMEN

Everyone here tonight has a calling on their lives!!! Even if you’re a sinner you have a calling....Romans Eleven says:

Gifts and callings are without repentance..

But the best thing that could happen to you if you’re a sinner is that you accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior!!!

The Bible says in 1st Corinthians

I am saved by the Gospel!!!!!

John 13:10 says:

I am made Clean!!!

But listen to what,

Phillipians 3:17 says:

Brethren be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example...

Here the Apostle Paul is telling the Phillipian Church that they are to

imitate him,

But since he is absent they should imitate them among them that live as he does!!!

This is what everyone should be doing


We should be trying to imitate Christ...

And be Heavenly Minded.....

Heavenly Minded is not waiting for heaven, but pressing on toward the goal of entering heaven....

And having finished what God has called

us to accomplish!!!AMEN

In verse twelve we see three things we’re supposed to be doing...we have not yet attained what our calling is..We have not yet reached perfection, and we are to press on

toward our calling!!!!!!!

Romans 8:30 says:

I am called according to HIS Purpose!!

We have not yet attained, or literally, haven’t laid hold of the purpose of our calling....

When we enter into fellowship with Jesus Christ...its by surrendering our lives to Him...but still this don’t mean that we’re automatically accomplishing our mission..

1st Corinth 6:20 says:

For ye are bought with a price...

Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s!!!!

As a new Christian you have not yet laid hold on our calling!!!

It takes much prayer and fasting and seeking find out and fine tune just exactly what our calling is!!!!

Jesus is the door we have to open to begin our new life and our new journey toward Heaven...

But just walking through that door is

not all there is to the rest of the story!!!

In 2nd Corinth 11:23 says

Are they ministers of Christ??

I speak as a fool...I AM MORE!!!!

In labors more abundant, in stripes above prisons more frequent, in deaths oft!!!!

We’re so foolish to think that when we get our ticket to Heaven we have reached our goal...


we have to show ourselves faithful stewards

and seek out God’s purpose...and if I cant pass the test of basic stewardship, then I’ll never be able to find the path That God has called me to find!!!!

1st Peter 2:9 tells us

that We are part of a chosen generation...

A member of a royal priesthood

A citizen of a holy nation...

One of HIS own special people!!!!

John 15:5 Jesus Said:

I am the vine ye are the branches!!!

We are one with Jesus Christ!!!!

We are covered by His Blood!!!

In the Book of Jeremiah God asked,

If you can’t run with the footmen, how will you contend with the horsemen???

If you were wearied in the land of peace, how can you expect to contend among the arrogant nations???

Church our calling ain’t just to make it into Heaven tonight!!!!

But to be equipped so that we can answer

this important call, and begin to run the race knowing that God honors....


We are not yet perfected...

Before your spiritual root can begin to dig in your flesh nature must be crucified...

Apostle Paul said I die daily....

Our flesh don’t die when we’re born into the kingdom of God...

Were set free from the bondage of sin and are no longer driven by the flesh...

But its our responsibility to bring our hearts and minds under subjection to Christ...

Way to many of us leave a lifetime of fleshly habits that will not die easily...

But a Christ centered focus is required in order for us to become heavenly minded....

Where my eyes are fixed my feet will follow...

Though perfection will never be achieved in this life.......

Our calling is to strive and continue

toward that mark...AMEN

Every time I look back at my life I can see and I’m amazed at how God has put my life together just like a puzzle and how far God has brought me.... AND I am determined to never return where I once was in my past life!!!!

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