Do You Discriminate Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Sep 16, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 23rd sermon in the Action Series. This series began during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Series: Action [#23]
Acts 10:23-48
We are living in a time of tension- Tension over race, over income, over where you live, over your religious beliefs, etc… Our title asks a question, “Do you discriminate?” The simple answer is yes. Now before you get mad at me, let me explain why I said this. Discrimination can be about many things. I discriminate against Italian food. I would rather eat Mexican food. I discriminate against NFL Teams- I cheer for the Indianapolis Colts. I cannot stand the New England Patriots. I discriminate in my hot drinks- I love coffee; but cannot stand hot tea. I hope that makes my point.
When it comes to how we are supposed to treat people, God gives us clear answers. This morning, we are going to continue in our text about Cornelius and Peter. Remember, in last weeks text, an angel told Cornelius to send for Peter; and the Holy Spirit told Peter to go. Also remember that Peter had a vision where he was told that
what he thought was unclean was not unclean.
Let’s look at how not to discriminate against others.
Acts 10:23-29
To not discriminate against others…
1. Be humble.
Peter went with the 3 men that came to get him; and some of the Christians from Joppa went with him also. As Peter entered Cornelius’ house, Cornelius knelt before Peter. Peter’s reaction was to quickly tell him to get up and that he need not bow to him or any other man. That shows humbleness on Peter’s part. Peter was a Jew and Cornelius was a Gentile. Many Jewish people considered themselves much better than Gentiles. Peter could have allowed him to bow and everyone there would have thought that it was because of their race.
Just as a side note- This verse covers the whole kneeling during the National Anthem stuff. On the 1st day of MLB, both teams that were playing and the umpires all knelt during the National Anthem- All except 1 Pitcher. He refused to kneel and said, “I only kneel for Jesus Christ”.
Peter went further into the house and found a large group of people. He asked them if they were aware that it was against Jewish Law for a Jew to speak to or associate with Gentiles; but before they answered, he told them that God had showed him that they were not unclean just because they were Gentiles.
Peter humbled himself and went and spent time with people that most of his life he was told that he could not. He was humbled by the lesson God had taught him and he was living it out. Be humble.
Acts 10:30-35
To not discriminate against others…
2. Do not show favoritism.
After hearing why Cornelius had him brought to Cornelius’ house, Peter’s response was that God shows no favoritism. Peter also responded that God is looking at people’s hearts and not what Nation they are from. Remember that we are to see people through the eyes of God and God doesn’t show favoritism.
Acts 10:36-43
To not discriminate against others…
3. Understand that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for all people.
Perfect Jesus became sin on the cross for all people. Everyone deserves to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Acts 10:44-48
To not discriminate against others…
4. Understand that the Holy Spirit indwells all Christians.
These Christians were filled with the Holy Spirit. This was shocking to the Jewish Christians that even the Gentiles were given the Holy Spirit.
Peter immediately called for them to all be baptized. For most of us, that doesn’t seem like a big deal; but these Gentiles were being a part of something that had been strictly Jews for quite some time.
I love the last part of verse 48- “Then they asked Peter to stay with them for a few days.” Peter went from, “I really shouldn’t be here”, (but God made me) to staying with them for several days. What a change God makes in our heart.
I pray that as you hear and see things this week concerning discrimination, that you remember these 4 points.