
Summary: The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the hearers to avoid “in the flesh” embarrassment by doing “ Whatever Jesus” told them to do.

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“Do Whatever He Says” by U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris

John 2:1-11

U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris

Fort Ord Chapel, Monterey California

BIG IDEA: Mary’s last words in all of scriptures is a one liner: “Do Whatever He Says”.

REFERENCES: John 2:1-11 (The marriage at Cana – the first sign); Joshua 9:1-27 (third day); Joel 2:12-13;




IV. PURPOSE: To motivate the hearers to avoid “in the flesh” embarrassment by doing “ Whatever Jesus” told them to do.


INTRODUCTION: Good Morning. I don’t know about you and your life’s circumstances. But, as a 44 year old man, I have had my share of embarrassing moments. Can I get a witness? Is there anyone else, in here this morning, under the sound of my voice that can attest to having experience at least one embarrassing moment in their lifetime?

Well, if you haven’t had such an experience, please know it’s bound to happen. Just keep on living. It’s just a matter of time. Embarrassment is something that eventually happens to us all … especially when we are yielding to the flesh (and not the spirit) and our own understanding.

***********************TAKE 5 BEATS******************

MOVE 1: However, when we acknowledge the Lord in all of ways; He will direct our path. Can someone in the building say Amen?

a. Many years ago, I was a pretty popular high school basketball player for Englewood High in Jacksonville, Florida.

b. At the time, I was about a 89 percent Free Throw Shooter with a very strong self-esteem, and an off the chain level of confident.

c. So much so, that when I was fouled with 17 seconds left in the game, I boastfully pointed to the opponent bench and told them that they could go home; because the game was over.

d. In fact, I can see that embarrassing moment as if it was just yesterday.

e. Our basketball team was playing one of our cross-town rivals: Fletcher High.

f. We had played a hard and close game.

g. I don’t remember the exact score, but whatever it was; it was a one point difference.

******************TAKE 5 BEATS************************

MOVE 2: Our opponent, Fletcher High, were ahead. And I had just been fouled.

a. It was a one and one.

b. If the initial basket went in, the score would be tied.

c. If both baskets went in, we win.

d. Now, my brothers and my sisters, in spite of my reassurance to my teammates, and my self-proclamation of the game being over, I missed them both.

e. That moment was by far, the worst embarrassment of my life … at that time.

*****************TAKE 5 BEATS************************

MOVE 3: But, wait, it gets better! Some years ago, about this same time of the year in 1991, upon my initial entrance on active duty at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and into the Army Chaplaincy, I was asked to be the keynote speaker at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Program.

a. Of course, I was honored to have been asked; and quite frankly, I had already become popular in the area.

b. Well, to make a long story short; I was led by God to preach, in front of nearly 800 soldiers, from a particular passage in Genesis.

c. My sermon theme was “Catch a Dream”.

d. Needless to say, the sermon was going extremely well until I decided that I would become a crowd pleaser and “whoop” a little.

e. You know, put a little of me into it.

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MOVE 4: Now, those of you that maybe from an African American tradition may appreciate that methodology.

a. But, it wasn’t something the Holy Spirit had NOT led me to do; it was simply the flesh.

b. And the results proved it.

c. My brothers and sisters, I thought my high school basketball free throw bragging moment was the most embarrassing moment that I had ever experienced.

d. I was wrong. I was so embarrassed! I wanted to crawl up under a pew and hide (with some laughter).

*********************TAKE 5 BEATS*********************

MOVE 5: My brothers and sisters, it was kin only to the “Southwest Airline” commercial; where the African American lady is having a little problem with her contacts, and she walks into the restroom to quickly fix the annoying and frustrating site problem.

a. When upon fixing the problem and clearly seeing better, she finds herself being stared down by a group of men.

b. She had mistakenly walked into the men restroom.

c. How embarrassing was that moment?

d. Raise your hand if you’ve had some embarrassing moments in your lifetime! Amen!

e. It’s great to see that I’m not the only witness in the sanctuary!

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