
Summary: One does not have to necessarily be visually impaired or blind to be missing key things in life and this sermon points this out.

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Do we really See? (Luke 6:39)

How often have you been in a conversation with someone and finally either you or the person you are dialoguing with finally states, “Oh, yes, now I see.” That statement,“Oh, yes, now I see” from you or the person you are dialoguing with signifies that one of

you has come to the point of understanding what it is that you have been talking about.

That eye opener or revelatory moment is extremely important for all of us. It’s crucial for us in every phase of our lives. Regardless of whether one makes this statement in school, at home, in the community, on the job, or in the church, it is good to finally get to this place.

All of us should be able to remember at least one time when were able to say with such excitement, “Oh yes, now I see.” I really do understand now! We get to this place after having been at another place. We could not have arrived at the “Oh yes, now I see” place had we not been in the dark about something.

Jesus, in dealing with this parable regarding the issue of a blind person actually serving as an agent of change for another blind person is fascinating. He simple asks the question, “Can a blind man lead a blind man?” He then answers his own question by stating that it is not possible given the fact that they both lack the proper ability to make

movements that will be in their best interest. Concluding that if this were to actually take place, one or both of them would actually be in danger of hurting themselves.

We already know that one does not have to necessarily be visually challenged to be considered blind from a spiritual standpoint. Both in scripture and even in our own lives we have encountered persons who could be considered blind in some form or

another. There are even phrases that we utter from time to time regarding the issue.

Consider this, “You are blind to the fact.” You must be blind, you can’t see what’s going on?” How could you possibly miss that, all I can say to you is open you eyes and start seeing what you need to see.

What about the phrase, “Love is blind but the neighbors are not.” We could go on and on but the point should be well made that we don’t always see as well as we need to see things in this life even with good visual sight.

What can the Christian do about his or her spiritual impairment? How might he or she be able to see clearer given the things that one are exposed to on a daily basis. Jesus in addressing the individuals in this parable can still speak a word to us in this day and age.

Followers of Christ have been, are being and will be challenged daily. We have been, are being exposed to and will be exposed to lots of things in society and in our own dwelling places that can either help us see things clearly or from a distorted standpoint.

What determines whether one is visually impaired or not one might ask? If we are asking this question from a spiritual standpoint we have to rely on the answers that scripture gives us. From an investigation of scripture, we find that one is blind or spiritually impaired when one is not in right relationship with God or one’s finally humankind. That’s one way to determine one’s spiritual impairment.

Another way to determine one’s spiritual impairment is to go against the teachings that one is exposed to from a scriptural standpoint. That’s a second way to gauge one’s ability to see or not

see things correctly.

Yet another way to see if one is impaired from a spiritual standpoint is to simply ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you where you are in your walk with the God of creation.

Do we really see what God wants us to see as followers? Or, are we spiritually impaired and are blindly going about our daily activities as Christians?

What role does God play in our daily activities? Are we in right relationship with God? Are we in right relationship with others in this life? If not God has no role in our lives, we don’t really see. If we are not in proper relationship with God or others in this life, we don’t really see.

If we are not attempting to follow the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ each and every day, we don’t really see. And, if we are not allowing on the presence of the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct our lives, we don’t really see.

We are spiritually blind and if we are spiritually blind, we are in no position to assist anyone else in this life. We cannot and will not attract others to the Christian faith.

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