Do Everything Decent And In Order
Contributed by Nettie J Pennington on Dec 30, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: God’s Big Idea: “Avoid worthless, foolish talk that only leads to more godless behavior” (2 Tim. 2:16, NLT).
Prayer: Father God, Lord Jesus, hallowed is your holy name. In times like these, Oh Lord, we recognize that we need decency and order. Consequently, as we move forward, we humble ourselves before your mighty throne and ask for Your strength to see us through these trying times. Lord Jesus, we confess to creating this situation that breeds corruption and deception by exercising our free will to expose evil at a snail's pace. Consequently, in this time and space, we recommit ourselves to You and ask for a fresh anointing to guide our speech with encouraging words. Lord, increase our self-control so that we are quick to listen and slow to speak. Lord, direct us to the means to help those without the resources. Lord, help those fighting for justice to sustain and increase their moral compass.
Lord, we come with a grateful spirit, thanking you for giving us this day. Lord, thank you for supplying our needs (the roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, and food on our table). Thank you for your son, Jesus, who died for our sins and is our living hope for everlasting life. Thank you for this amazing gift. Lord, give me words pleasing to Your ear and food for Your people. In Jesus' Name, I say Amen.
Message: As we start this journey into a new day, You said in Your Word that adding knowledge and wisdom is required to grow faith. We read in Your Word that we must “make every effort to supplement your faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge” (2 Pet. 1:5, CSB). Now is the time to understand that clarity is more important than arguing about godless ideas that are often rude and meaningless. I implore you, brothers and sisters, to use God’s Word as your guide to enlightenment. If you have been struggling with what you believe and why, the answer is in the Word of God. It tells us to “avoid irreverent, empty chatter, which will only lead to more ungodliness” (2 Tim. 2:16). It is on us to refuse to participate in useless conversations that leave too many with the impression that we approve of godless ideas.
Racism is a godless idea that serves no purpose except to cause trouble and breed strife. Laughing at racist jokes or giving tacit approval by not saying anything leads to hurt feelings and ungodliness. Making religious liberty the next American Culture War is a godless idea that lacks an understanding of God’s gift of free will. If you cannot convince me of your belief with love and kindness, do you think harassment and bullying will do the job? Let us reason together; “For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints” (1 Cor. 14:33, NKJV).
A Christian, a saint, knows the Lord said to love your neighbor and put the interests of others above your own. With profound godliness, there is no time for godless ideas and old wives’ tales. The Lord’s Spirit rests on those who judge the poor with righteousness and ensure equitable resources for the needy. What the eyes see and the ears hear is not always honorable. Some eyes see a riot, while others see a peaceful protest. Either way, beating people with a flagpole or breaking into locked or guarded windows and doors is not honorable; it is a desire of the flesh, which is outside the will of God. Those who walk in the Spirit will not put substantial effort into gratifying the desires of the flesh.
Embrace the Lord’s Way and gain a new understanding of godless ideas. Sometimes, godless ideas grow out of actual events, such as “Who shot Martin Luther King, Jr.?” “Did man land on the moon?” or “Is Elvis dead?” Humans develop a conspiracy theory, spin a lie or two, and soon, it becomes a foolish and godless idea that only leads to strife.
Over the past decade, with US elections, the COVID-19 Pandemic, wars, and rumors of wars, among other evils, we have seen Christians embracing and solidifying as their truth some of the strangest things, which are not decent, nor do they represent any order ordained by God. These things will not matter in our brief time on earth; only God’s truth will last forever. And because of these ungodly manmade philosophies and ideas, some people are throwing up their hands and walking away from the church. Too many think that it is church folk that are ungodly and crazy.
To overcome what is and focus on what God declares it to be, we must do all things decent and in order (1 Cor. 14:40). Let us seek out those who live according to the Spirit and encourage them to rejoin the Army of the Lord. Seek an audience with those trying to educate and build up the family, church, community, and country. We are commissioned to teach the gospel to all nations; however, “whoever does not receive you nor listen to your words, as you leave that house or city, shake the dust off your feet” (Matt. 10:14, NASB).