Divine Power For A Divine Purpose
Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The power of the Holy Spirit is given to us so that we can be effective witnesses for Christ and to expand His kingdom.
God promised a divine power which shall be solely for a divine purpose. This is because the power will come through the Holy Spirit, and the primary purpose shall be to win souls to the kingdom of God. Thus, the baptism in the Holy Spirit is power for a purpose and not just to make us feel good or to know how much God loves us. The Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to tell the whole world about Jesus. The Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfil the Great Commission. That power also involves courage, boldness, confidence, insight, ability and authority which are all needed in fulfilling the great commission.
Jesus promised the disciples that they would receive power to witness after they received the Holy Spirit. The right order must be followed:
1. they would receive the Holy Spirit,
2. the Holy Spirit would give them power, and
3. they would witness through that power with extra ordinary results.
When we reverse the order we will be witnessing by our own power and authority. God has given us a great work to do for Him, but the work must be done by the power of the Holy Spirit.
1. He directs and arranges the meeting between the sinner and the soul winner. Acts 8;29, 10: 19-21
- Philip’s obedience to the divine directive led to the conversion of the influential Ethiopian eunuch.
- Peter was also directed by the Spirit to go to Cornelius house and evangelise the gentile world.
- Most of the time, we are not sensitive to this kind of leading or prompting by the Holy Spirit. Probably due to fear, lack of initial zeal to win a soul and being discouraged by our personal challenges, but the truth is that the Holy Spirit is still making such arrangements today.
2. He reminds the soul winner of the scriptures appropriate to the particular sinner before him.
- In this instance, the Holy Spirit can also give a word that will meet the sinner at a definite need, and thereby drawing his attention towards God. For instance, the Holy Spirit led Jesus to ask the Samaritan woman about her husband, and this was an open door to her salvation.
3. The Holy Spirit quickens the scripture or the right word He had given proceeding from the soul winner’s lips and propels it like an arrow into the sinner’s heart. John 16:7
- Conviction for sin and confession of guilt invariably follow.
4. The Holy Spirit directs the penitent sinner to pray appropriately and thereafter witnesses forgiveness to his or her heart. Rom 8:14-16
5. The Holy Spirit comforts the new believer when problems and persecutions arise because of his/her faith. John 14: 16,17
6. The Holy Spirit guides the believer away from prevailing error into perfect truth. John 16: 13,14
- The experience of a believer who claims to be filled with the Holy Spirit and yet very easily and very often fall into sins and error is inconsistent with scripture truth.
1 John 2:27
7. The Holy Spirit seals the believer. Eph 4:30. The seal is a proof of ownership and authority of genuiness indicating that the soul is genuinely converted and belonging to God.
- The Holy Spirit gives assurance of sonship and security to the repentant sinner.
- Now converted, the new believer receives the seal of sonship by which he is able to draw near unto God freely and always.
The role of the Holy Spirit in the salvation of a soul is a great one. When He is not involved, either there would be no conversion at all or a counterfeit conversion would take place.
The experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit spontaneously ties up with the possession of power and the responsibility of anointing for service. Holy Ghost anointing is for ministry.
- A truly anointed one cannot be dormant. Jesus after being anointed with the Holy Ghost and power went about doing good. Acts 10:38
- By the power of the Holy Ghost, you too can do a lot of good in your neighbourhood, office and local church.
- There are sinful souls to save and bleeding souls to heal, sorrowful souls to comfort and suffering souls to bless, lonely souls to cheer and needy souls to feed, perplexed souls to guide and distressed souls to relieve, redeemed souls to edify and oppressed souls to liberate. Anointing does not increase with inactivity. Don’t be idle with God’s power.
The Bible is filled with several examples of men and women who did great exploits for the kingdom of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Right from the day of Pentecost, the apostles started preaching the gospel of the kingdom with great boldness and authority, and many souls are being won into the kingdom of God.