
Summary: Jesus coming to a fallen world and providing salvation

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Divine love and human need

Coming to Jesus moment

John 3:1-21

Good morning and welcome. We are glad that you are here.

If you would turn to John chapter 3

We are going to look at the encounter of Nicodemus and Jesus.

We will quickly see that when we have an encounter with Jesus, the Son of the living God that you and I will have to make a decision to follow Him or reject Him.

You get to choose, it is not forced, and to make no decision is to reject Him.


Let’s read John 3:1-3 to find out what is happening

Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a teacher of the law (5 books of the bible-Torah)

Sadducees were also of the law but did not believe in the resurrection of Jesus, angels, anything supernatural, they were more politically motivated.

Nicodemus watched Jesus and realized that there was something special about him. He could not do these things (miracles) if God was not with him.

Jesus uses for the first time the expression that no one will see (or enter) the kingdom of God without “being born again”.

From Jesus own teaching, we see that infant baptism is not a way of salvation.

We see many today that will shy away from this teaching. Jesus makes it very clear and defines what it is to be born again.

He makes no apology- he says that no one will experience and see heaven without having a born again experience.

The world may say that there are many ways to find and be with God but Jesus who is the authority as the Son of God said that there is one way.

Nicodemus came by night- We do not know if he came by night because of the crowd that Jesus had around him and Nicodemus wanted to talk or he did not want to let his religious friends know that he was seeking knowledge from Jesus.

Nicodemus did not understand what Jesus was saying, it went against everything he was taught.

How can a person travel back into the womb?

God says I love you unconditionally.

?I love you enough to direct your path.

?Correct you when you stray.

?Speak to you when something needs to be changed.

I also love you enough to give you the freedom of choice.

To accept what he has done or reject it.


Unconditional love of a parent means that you love your child so much, that you do not give them everything that they want, even if they cry. You correct them when they stray from your teachings. You are not concerned what others think, you have the welfare of your child at heart.

! I will always love my children. I will always be my children’s father. I love them when they make mistakes, I love them when they hurt me. There will come a point in their lives where they direct their own lives, and make their own choices. I have to honor their freedom even if I don’t agree. I would not have done it that way.

?People know they need to make a change.

?They know they need a Savior.

?They know that Jesus is available.

!People like Nicodemus, come at night, ask their questions. They have head knowledge, with no heart transformation. People say,

?I am a good person!

?What I do won’t or don’t hurt anyone else!

?One day I’ll get serious about making a decision.

James 2:10

“For who ever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all”

Hebrews 2:3

“How shall we escape fi we neglect so great a salvation?”

I’ll become a Christian someday.

Remember my definition of Christian.

Think like Jesus. Speak like Jesus. Act like Jesus. Help like Jesus.

Proverbs 27:1

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth”

!The prefix “Un” means that you are against and do the opposite of the root word.

?Un-conditional- no conditions.

?Un-compromising- you will not compromise.

?Un-committed- you are committed to the task.

?Un-constitutional- it is against the law established.

!The way that God’s love is unconditional is that it is freely given to everyone. To all people! Jesus went to the cross for every single person. He was not selective, Jesus Christ died for all. He arose for all. By accepting Him as your Savior you can have eternal life.

In that action of live, Jesus loved mankind.

What does John 3:16 show us?

The great love- God loved mankind enough to provide a way of unholy people being able to spend eternity with a holy God.

The greatest gift- To have God the Father, send His only Son and be that sacrifice and bridge to redeem mankind.

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