Divine Health - I
Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We will look at the subject of divine healing and divine health. We will do this by asking: Is divine healing for us? Then why do we get sick? If it is God’s will for us to be healed then how do we get healing and walk in divine health?
Introduction: Let us look today to the subject of divine healing and divine health. We will do this by asking: Is divine healing for us? Then why do we get sick? If it is God’s will for us to be healed then how do we get healing and walk in divine health?
I Is Divine Healing for us?
i) God made a decree and law at Marah: God revealed the solution for this place of bitterness: a piece of wood, a type of the cross, changed the bitter water to sweet. Looking forward to the cross this establishes God’s will for His people. He revealed himself as Jehovah Rapha. He made a law and decree in Israel that he would be their healer.
ii) In the Atonement: The Messiah would bear our sins and infirmities. By His stripes we are healed. In Isa 53:3-5 it is in the present tense and in 1Pe 2:24 in the past tense. Moses lifted the bronze serpent in the desert Num 21:4-9. Those who looked at it with the eye of faith were healed. Bronze speaks of judgement and the serpent is a type of the devil. This speaks of the works of the enemy being judged. Jesus referred to this in Joh 3:14-15; everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. He makes a one to one reference to the bronze serpent and himself being lifted up on the cross. Healing is in the atonement!
iii) Jesus revealed God’s will: Mat 8:16-17, everyone who came to Jesus was healed. There is no record of Jesus not healing anyone who came to him in faith. 3Jo 2, God’s will is that we be in health, c.f., 1Th 5:23.
iv) Not just healing but divine health and long life: Psa 105:37, children of Israel, not one faltered or was feeble. Deu 34:7, Moses was 120 years old but was strong; Caleb 85 years old when he asks give me that mountain (Jos 14:9-11). Psa 103, our youth is renewed like the eagles.
II Why do we get sick?
i) Sickness in the world: The man born blind in Joh 9:1-3. The disciples wanted to know who sinned? Neither the man born blind or his parents. Jesus says that this happened! Sickness a result of the fall.
ii) Violating health laws: Eating wrong, living wrong and abusing our bodies.
iii) Violating God’s laws: Communion: not recognizing the body of Christ brings judgement on ourselves (1Co 11:29). Hezekiah became sick because of sin (2Ki 20:1-10), repented and got 15 years more on his life.
iv) Actions of others: Parents who don’t look after their children. Industries that pollute for financial gain. Nations that got to war and use nuclear/chemical/biological weapons.
III How to appropriate Divine Healing and Health?
i) Understand that healing is ours: Renew our minds so that we can know God’s will (Rom 12:2,3). Hos 4:6 my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Know that sickness is a curse and from the enemy and that Jesus redeemed you from the curse of the law (Gal 3:13)
ii) Meditate on God’s Word: Pro 4:20-22 God’s word is living and medicine to us. Faith comes by hearing (Rom 10:17). God’s Word is to be exalted above your symptoms.
iii) Keep lives free from sin: And bad habits. Jam 5:14,15. Sin is the doorway to sickness.
iv) Jesus is Saviour, Jesus is Healer: Receive Jesus as your healer.
v) What about doctors: They are fighting the same thing, on God’s side. We don’t have all the answers. We must submit to Doctors, they will confirm God’s healing.
Healing belongs to us. Jesus is our Healer; his work on the cross is finished. Let us believe God for divine health.