Divine Healing Vs. Divine Health
Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jul 27, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Throughout Christianity, the subject of Divine Healing seems to polarize people more than any other.
On one extreme, some believe supernatural healing disappeared with the last of the twelve Apostles. On the other extreme, some believe God will heal all sickness and disease through faith because it is absolutely guaranteed through the shedding of Jesus' blood on the Cross. Yet others believe God heals through the training He has given to medical professionals.
Speaking from 40 years of personal experience, when debilitating sickness and disease strike a family, it causes great pain and anguish. The uncertainty of the future can be very frightening. The worst fears can suddenly come to the surface and block normal functioning.
People immediately wonder why this is happening to them and look for what they may have done to cause it. They think, "Was it a sin I committed against God or someone else that caused this?" Or they say, "Maybe it's my lack of faith?" So they go out and repent of everything they can think of, 'cast out' legions of demons, and start "naming and claiming" their healing. All of this can cause people to blame themselves and make them feel even guiltier than they were before.
Because sin entered into the world, bad things now happen to good people, whether they caused it or not. ALL sickness and disease, whether emotional, physical, or spiritual, is part of the fallen nature of man and affects Christians and non-Christians alike. No one is immune to sickness, nor the ultimate disease, death.
Most of life's emotional and physical problems result from unforgiveness and unreconciled relationships. Forgiveness is the foundation for ALL spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Unpleasant or traumatic life experiences, conflicts with loved ones, feelings of guilt, fear and resentment, self-esteem issues, poor thoughts, and attitudes can radically affect one's health without even being aware of it because it may be held captive in the subconscious. Even a person's lifestyle and diet can have adverse effects as well. Most importantly, a lack of knowledge and understanding of who God is and what every individual on this planet means to Him can overshadow and affect virtually every single detail of one's life.
If conflicts and problems are not addressed at the roots in both the conscious and subconscious, good health, if ever achieved, will only be at best an illusion and a short-lived experience. Dealing with symptoms is of little help. Healing will come after uncovering the causes!
The problem in the modern church has been that healing prayer ministry has become Allopathic in its approach and focused on the symptom rather than the root cause, just as the Medical profession has done for centuries treating patients. More often than not, I have seen people genuinely healed, only to learn that the sickness or disease later returned. Healing ministry has become spiritual "weed whacking," cutting at the weed's stem rather than pulling out the root.
When the "Weed Whacker" garden tool was invented, it quickly replaced old-fashioned digging and pulling up the weeds by hand because it was fast and easy. It neatly trims and manicures the unwanted weed giving the appearance that all is well, but give the ground a little water and up come the weeds, and out comes the "Weed Whacker" again.
Addressing what caused the weed to take hold in the first place is the secret to Diving Healing. For weeds to be removed once and for all, the ground must be cultivated and softened by water. So also, the flesh has to be cultivated with repentance and watered with the Word.
Cutting just the weed's stem is much easier because it doesn't require the hard work of intercession, the tilling of humility, and the diligent study of and obedience to God's Word. If the root has not been pulled and rain begins to fall from the storms of life, the weeds of doubt, fear, worry, unbelief, anger, and bitterness will grow right back again because the root cause was never exposed and pulled out at its core.
Divine Health is not just the absence of disease but also optimizing our daily living potential. As a Born-Again Christian, I have seen God touch people with incredibly amazing physical healing, myself included. I know that He heals today and will heal tomorrow beyond a shadow of a doubt. His promises have never ceased.
Living in Divine Health is rooted in love because God is love! God's character and nature is to heal His people. He said, "I am the LORD, who heals you" (Ex 15:26). He did this through the shed blood of Jesus (See Isa 53).
God's prescription for walking in Divine Health is found in the Bible. I call this study of Scripture' Homotrophic Theology'. Just as proper nutrition is contingent upon eating a healthy diet and taking vitamins and minerals daily, good spiritual nutrition is based upon reading the Bible and following God's plan daily. The word "homo" relates to the human species, and "trophic" refers to nutrition. The biblical Homotrophic approach is learning to apply God's Word as nutrition for the spirit, mind, and body. One doesn't ask for healing; they appropriate the truth of God's Word!