Divine Guidance
Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: With a blurred, distorted vision of the future, people tend to take a wrong move that would further affect their entire life. Hearken unto the voice of God today!
Divine guidance!
Joshua 3:4”Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before."
With a blurred, distorted vision of the future, people tend to take a wrong move that would further affect their entire life. Hearken unto the voice of God today!
Let me give you a brief glimpse of the background of the above scripture; the people of Israel and Joshua – the new leader who had taken the leadership after Moses – was now facing a monumental task ahead of him. River Jordan! In the previous chapter, we read of the good report Joshua received from his men, in fact, the people of the land where they were entering, were terrorized having heard of the power of Jehovah, who protected His people. However, just after the joy, Joshua had to face the turbulent Jordan river; let us be equipped to face the Jordans in our life. Never let your guard down, but be prepared to face tough times in your life. Did not Jesus warn His disciples to tarry for an hour in prayer which they failed and thereby scattered and ran away unable to face the heat of the enemies?
If today I look at the computer-savvy generation and tell them to spend one hour in prayer, I’m sure they would turn and call me crazy, because today people do not even have a minute to spare for the Creator. At the least a flying kiss is offered to the picture of Christ that hangs on the wall near the door way or a quick prayer is offered in the car or lift. May be they say, “God, be happy with that.” Friend, prayer and Word of God, is important to know your path ahead, without which you would be groping in the dark. Jesus said: (John 12:35)’…he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going.’ Psalm 119:105 says, ’Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.’ May be you are going through a frustrating experience, utter failure or you feel a solid rock like hindrance in your path, this does not mean the end of the road, you may rediscover the purpose of your life right here. Say Amen. I have also found through my several years of ministry that failure and pain are also indispensable while serving the Lord; just because I am serving the Lord does not exempt me from this experience.
While our ministry was dwindling in a particular city where we had invested several years of hard work, I was heart broken and on one particular day I walked into my prayer room and wept at His feet. The Lord spoke to me through Jeremiah 31:16”Refrain your voice from weeping, And your eyes from tears; For your work shall be rewarded ..” I had to wait, though. Very shortly I got a call from God to move to Hyderabad, where He unfolded His plans for my life. Friends, when things look bleak and uncertain, you don’t have to run to Face Book to locate an ‘old flame’ and restore the lost relationship. You don’t have to run to your childhood sweet-heart just because you’re having misunderstanding with your wife. This is downright cheating. Remember, God’s purpose for your life is not behind you but always ahead. Look forward. Don’t allow your past to ruin your future. Run to God for help instead of drastically searching the social networks.
Coming back to Joshua, God said: “Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before." Do not take God for granted but have a holy reverence for Him and keep a distance and obey Him. Diligently obeying His Word is the key to success!