Divine Frustration
Contributed by Ed Warfield on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Working with frustration is a key factor in turning our potential into something actual
Divine Frustration – Psalm 139:23-24
Intro.: A few weeks ago, I touched on the issue of God ordained frustration and said that I would go more in depth another day. Today is that day. I will also again touch on how we need to turn “potential” into “actual”, specifically in reference to words of prophecy that we have received. Prophetic words are filled with potential. A nuclear bomb is filled with incredible potential, but if it is never detonated it has no purpose. It’s one thing to receive a prophetic word but quite another to experience it’s fulfillment.
I. Conditional Prophecy vs, Unconditional Prophecy
A. Personal prophecy is conditional
NOTE: This is true whether any conditions are implied or stated in the prophecy itself
1. Conditional prophecy relates to the possibility, not the inevitability of fulfillment
NOTE: This where many people get hung up. They think that just because a prophetic word was spoken over them, it is a done deal. They often sit back and just wait for it’s fulfillment & then get mad at God when it doesn’t happen or they say the messenger must be a false prophet.
2. Conditional prophecy can be delayed or even cancelled depending on two things
a. Our response to the prophecy
b. Our capacity to align our hearts & lives in lifestyle obedience to the revealed Word of God
B. God’s overall plan for mankind is unconditional prophecy
1. Unconditional prophecy may be adjusted but can never be prevented from coming to pass
because it depends upon God Himself, not human response.
II. Working with Frustration
A. Working with frustration is a key factor in turning our potential into something actual
1. I like frustrated people
2. They are one of the hopes of the church
3. Most people are frustrated because they care about something
NOTE: However, these people have a distinct responsibility to the Holy Spirit to use their frustration for the correct purpose. Remember: frustration is allowed to provoke us to intercession.
B. The Holy Spirit will direct our frustration into meaningful prayer which then becomes passion
1. Passion then releases prophetic empowerment to the people of God
C. If people misuse or misdirect their frustration it will be used to sow discord, strife & division
2. These people become a dissenting voice rather than an intercessory or positive prophetic voice
NOTE: Frustration will reveal our true heart and release an impartation that is either negative and destructive or positive and empowering. When we are “squeezed” whatever is inside will come out!
D. People often leave their thoughts unguarded, especially when they are experiencing frustration
1. When we allow our thoughts to run unguarded, our flesh usually usurps God’s purposes
2. By reigning in our thoughts, we reject the potential for divisiveness to occur
E. Cause and Effect
1. God is the cause of righteous frustration - the effect is whatever is released through Jesus
2. Frustration Stage One: Frustration is sent to change us into the image of Jesus
3. Stage Two: when frustration causes us to “stand in the gap and intercede” for others
a. The effect is an impartation that empowers and inspires
4. Stage Three: only happens through the success of Stages 1 & 2…
a. We arrive at a place of trustworthy servanthood after passing the test of selflessness.
III. The Fruit of Frustration
A. Intercession that produces results
B. An understanding of the heart of God
C. An alignment of our desires with God’s desires
D. The birthing of Holy Passion for the release of impartation and prophetic empowerment
E. Patience – the ability to wait with peace for God to work His plan
Concl.: We know all things will eventually become clear. Remember that the God who will not explain Himself before an event, will reveal His purposes AFTER we have trusted.
He may not always speak initially, but He always speaks eventually
The way we respond to God and His plan is our proving or testing ground
It is the place between promise and fulfillment
The purpose of the test is to see whether we can inhabit the place that God wants to give us.
EXAMPLE: Adam was given the Garden of Eden to determine if he would be able to rule the earth – he failed!
Success in the arena of frustration reveals many things about a person:
They have genuine “substance” in their relationship with God
They understand, at least in part, some of the ways that God works
They do not strive or promote themselves
They have caught a glimpse into the heart of God & the joy He finds in touching His creation
They have positioned themselves to see much “potential” become much “actual”
Their frustration has been redeemed and has made way for an ongoing flow of impartation