Disorderly! Series
Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Friends, after receiving the Gospel and accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior, we have to whittle our lives and live a disciplined life; we have no excuse to live a disorderly life!
2 Thessalonians 3:6 ‘But we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition which he received from us.’
Life is an embarrassing mess today! There is an aggressive economic growth, we live in the computer era, we have huge foreign investments, flourishing industries and what not! All this is alright, what about order in your life? We work when we have to sleep and sleep when we have to work – I am talking about the call center jobs. I know of a young Christian girl who comes home midnight after work and spends the rest of the night texting sms messages to her boy friend. Disorderly life! Professional, young, brilliant women, are busy with their pressure cooker and laptop, but alas, have forgotten to pray or read the Bible – no wonder their kids watch porn on their swanky laptop. What you sow is what you reap! Beware! God will never excuse a disorderly life!
Friends, after receiving the Gospel and accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior, we have to whittle our lives and live a disciplined life; we have no excuse to live a disorderly life! Anybody listening? Right from the Parliament House to the traffic on roads, we see chaos and disorderliness everywhere; don’t we? Corruption running to crores! Violence violating every law in the country! Nevertheless, God does not tolerate disorderliness! A young gentleman from a god-fearing family came to see me with his girl friend – who was a married woman with a kid – when I pointed out his mistake, he questioned me: ‘do all Christians follow the Ten commandments?’ If I talk about pirated soft ware theft, copy right issues, illegal sharing of music; then people call me a religious fanatic. If I talk about pre-marital sex, lust, pornography and adultery; people call me outdated. Don’t we live in a time where even the church accepts to baptize kids born out of unwed parents. Dating is no more something that happens among the urban class; let me tell you, our village kids are active now a days. Do people want to listen to you talk about order, discipline and control? No way! There is an orchestrated endeavor to damn everybody who desires to inject some ethics, discipline and order into the life of people.
Listen to me carefully today, Christianity is not all about fun and run; it is about growing in the Lord. One has to read the Bible, understand His Word, get into fellowship with people who would expound the Scriptures to you and also teach you how to pray. A beautiful, well-paid attractive Christian woman attended my afternoon prayer cells, back while I was working and she said: ’Bala, I feel empty while I pray in the morning, I feel like I am talking to air- I can’t feel God.’ Are you there? Such was the feeling of an intellectual woman. I told her,’ you cannot always feel God – though you may at times – but prayer is faith in God and obedience to have fellowship with Him.’ After many, many years, she continues to pray, read the Bible and fast once in a week as I had taught her. When you do this, you will be able to handle the pressures of life and overcome them too.
Disorder in our prayer life is the reason for disorder and mayhem in our real life!