Discovering Your Dream – Part 3 Series
Contributed by Mark Perryman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: I’m taking about one concept: Giving it away.
INTRO: Last week as I was sitting on stage, Ben was singing "History Maker". The impression that came over me for mothers was they are history markers and they don’t even realize it. Moms are making history by raising kids who are going to impact history.
But as I began to reflect each and every one of us are history makers when we reach out and touch another life and impact them for the kingdom of God. We can change someone’s destiny.
-The problem is people walk around and feel they are just existing. That’s why we’ve been trying to figure out what God has for us.
: We learned we are God’s workmanship. The Greek word used here is where we get our word poem. Think of it—we are God’s poem to a dying world and we are the ones who will determine if it’s going to be read.
: We looked at the idea that everyone has a destiny, a plan, a purpose. People who follow this will be truly blessed.
: A couple weeks ago we looked at some things that can hold you back from your dream.
1. Failure. Failure can destroy your dream if you will allow it.
2. Fear can also hold you back from your dream.
3. Over-satisfaction. Be careful you don’t trade your destiny for leisure and comfort.
Today I’m taking about one concept: Giving it away. ;TITLE: Discovering Your Dream – Part 3
TEXT: Ecclesiastes 11:1
Today maybe you’re trying to find out your purpose (dream), or maybe you’ve moved to having a sense of what God wants. I want to speak about something that will help everyone!
: It will help those who haven’t found God’s purpose because it’s a principle at the very heart of God.
: For those who are stepping out and doing God’s will for their lives this will only enhance their walk because it brings the supernatural.
Text: It seems foolish to cast our bread or seed upon the waters. The sensible place would be on the ground.
Background to help us understand: In the Middle East, some of the rivers would overflow their banks and when this would happen, men would get into their boats and go out on the waters and cast their seed upon them. The seed would sink to the bottom and after the water receded, they would leave a rich soil covering the seed which later would lead to a great harvest of grain.
1. Consider the request. Cast your bread.
A. I don’t know about you but there are times I’d rather cast someone else’s bread upon the water and expect a blessing back, but it does not work that way. We have to cast our own bread.
1. The word cast means to give, to let go. It’s not the idea of being forced.
Example. Like two children fighting over a toy, an adult has to step in and force the stronger child to share. Rather it would be a child willing giving over the toy.
2. The act of giving requires faith because you may not get the toy back or you might get it back broken.
3. Bread represents something of value. It is something everyone needs.
Simply put, the Bible instructs that I am to give something of value.
B. Let me try and explain this better by a story Jesus told, the parable of the Good Samaritan.
1. A man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho. On his way some robbers bushwhacked him, took all his valuables, stripped him and left him for dead.
-A pastor came by, saw him on the road, but went on about his business.
-A board member came by and saw this man lying there bleeding, but he too went on about his business and did not help the man.
-An illegal immigrant came by saw this man, helped him up, took him to an inn and paid the innkeeper to take care of him.
2. From this story we can see three basic attitudes.
a. Attitude of the robbers – stealing.
b. Attitude of the pastor (priest and Levite) – hoarding.
c. Attitude of the illegal immigrant (Samaritan) – giving.
3. Oftentimes when I hear this story I wonder what I’d do, what attitude I’d show.
-The truth is I may never come upon someone who has been beaten and robbed but I can check my attitude in other situations to see who I’m like (robbers, priest, or Samaritan).
: For example:
a. In your marriage are you like a thief, do you steal and rob to satisfy your needs, your wants, your cares with no concern about the damage being done?
b. Or are you like the priest? You’d never think about beating and robbing/stealing but you know when your spouse needs something you won’t give it because you’re too busy with your cares, and literally what you’re doing is hoarding the life in your marriage because you’re concerned about you.